dset ^ghcn_cams_1948_cur_t62.grb index ^ghcn_cams_1948_cur_t62.grb.idx undef 9.999E+20 title ghcn_cams_1948_cur_t62.grb * produced by g2ctl v0.0.8.4 * command line options: ghcn_cams_1948_cur_t62.grb * griddef=1:0:(192 x 94):grid_template=40:winds(N/S): Gaussian grid: (192 x 94) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN number of latitudes between pole-equator=47 #points=18048 lat 88.541950 to -88.541950 lon 0.000000 to 358.125000 by 1.875000:winds(N/ dtype grib2 xdef 192 linear 0.000000 1.875 ydef 94 levels -88.542 -86.653 -84.753 -82.851 -80.947 -79.043 -77.139 -75.235 -73.331 -71.426 -69.522 -67.617 -65.713 -63.808 -61.903 -59.999 -58.094 -56.189 -54.285 -52.380 -50.475 -48.571 -46.666 -44.761 -42.856 -40.952 -39.047 -37.142 -35.238 -33.333 -31.428 -29.523 -27.619 -25.714 -23.809 -21.904 -20.000 -18.095 -16.190 -14.286 -12.381 -10.476 -8.571 -6.667 -4.762 -2.857 -0.952 0.952 2.857 4.762 6.667 8.571 10.476 12.381 14.286 16.190 18.095 20.000 21.904 23.809 25.714 27.619 29.523 31.428 33.333 35.238 37.142 39.047 40.952 42.856 44.761 46.666 48.571 50.475 52.380 54.285 56.189 58.094 59.999 61.903 63.808 65.713 67.617 69.522 71.426 73.331 75.235 77.139 79.043 80.947 82.851 84.753 86.653 88.542 tdef 925 linear 00Z01jan1948 1mo zdef 1 linear 1 1 vars 1 TMPsfc 0,1 0,0,0 ** surface Temperature [C] ENDVARS