Tricks for wgrib2 2/2022 There is "cheap tricks" page for wgrib2 at old: compatible with wgrib new: wgrib2 only most tricks: wgrib2 only (0) How do I (...)? If you are lucky, a script already exists. convert grib1 -> grib2, use compress grib2 by finding best complex packing, use compare two grib2 files, use compare grib1 and grib2 files, use speed up -new_grid, use wgrib2m (1) How do I convert the entire file to binary? wgrib2 grib_file -bin out.bin (2) How do I get a verbose listing of the 20th message only? wgrib2 -V -d 20 grib_file If grib message 20 has submessages, then d 20 will get the first field of the grib message. I.e, this will be the same as -d 20.1 (3) How do I extract the 20th and 30th grib message? new: wgrib2 grib_file -match "(^20:^30:)" -bin binary_file new: wgrib2 grib_file -for "20:30:10" -bin binary_file old: wgrib2 grib_file | egrep "(^20:|^30:)" | wgrib2 -i grib_file -bin binary_file Note: this assumes that grib message 20 and 30 do not have submessages. If they have submessages, the the fields will be labelled 20.1, 20.2, etc. If your selected may have 2 submessages, this will work new: wgrib2 grib_file -match "^(20|30)(.1|.2):" -bin binary_file (4) How do I extract the first 10 records as a grib file? new: wgrib2 grib_file -for_n 1:10 -grib new_grib_file old: wgrib2 grib_file | head -n 10 | wgrib2 -i grib_file -grib new_grib_file What is the difference between "-for 1:10" and "-for_n 1:10" -for 1:10 processes the first 10 grib messages. A grib message may have more than 1 field. -for_n 1:10 processes the first 10 fields. (Submessages count) (4') How do I extract records 34-66 from a file as a grib file? new: wgrib2 grib_file -for 34:66 -grib new_grib_file old: Here is an example of an awk filter. wgrib2 -s grib_file | awk '{if ($1 > 33 && $1 < 67) print $0}' FS=':' | wgrib2 -i grib_file -grib new_grib_file FS=':' implies that arguments are separated by colons. As a result, the record number is the first argument ($1). The variable "$0" is the entire input line. Isn't awk fun? (4''') How do I extract grib messages 10,12,19 from a grib file wgrib2 old_grib -match '^(1|12|19):' -grib new_grib The ^ is a special regular-expression character that matches the start of the line. The () denotes an expression and the vertical bar is the OR operator. See you book on regular expressions for details. This only works if the the grib messages do not have submessages. This for grib message with sub-messages wgrib2 old_grib -match '^(1|12|19)(.:)' -grib new_grib (4'''') How do I extract a range of dates from a file? Example 1. Analysis file $ wgrib2 z500.gdas.199704.f06 1:0:d=1997040100:HGT:500 mb:6 hour fcst: 2:228571:d=1997040106:HGT:500 mb:6 hour fcst: ... 120:27173104:d=1997043018:HGT:500 mb:6 hour fcst: The file contains the 500 mb geopotential height for the April 1997. To obtain the data for a range of date: $ wgrib2 z500.gdas.199704.f06 | \ awk '{d=substr($3,3); if (d >=1997042400 && d <=1997042512) print $0}' FS=':' | \ wgrib2 z500.gdas.199704.f06 -i -grib z500subset.grb The second line runs the awk command. FS=':' means that the colon is the delimator $3 is the 3rd column of the input line; ie, d=1997040100 substr($3,3) means the substring of $3 starting at the 3rd character; ie, 1997040100 Example 2. Extract a range of forecast times $ wgrib2 t250.03.2015080900.daily.grb2 1:0:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:6 hour fcst: 2:20236:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:12 hour fcst: .. 456:8689473:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:2736 hour fcst: To extract a range of forecasts, you can put the verification time into the inventory $ wgrib2 t250.03.2015080900.daily.grb2 -vt -s 1:0:vt=2015080906:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:6 hour fcst: 2:20236:vt=2015080912:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:12 hour fcst: ... Modifying example 1 $ wgrib2 t250.03.2015080900.daily.grb2 -vt -s | \ awk '{d=substr($3,4); if (d >=2015081000 && d <= 2014081012) print $0}' FS=':' | \ wgrib2 t250.03.2015080900.daily.grb2 -i -grib subset.grb 4:60273:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:24 hour fcst: 5:80131:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:30 hour fcst: 6:99799:d=2015080900:TMP:250 mb:36 hour fcst: (5) How do I remove the 2+i*8 th record from the file? You can do it with an AWK filter, but here is what I used. Remember -if is terminated by -fi or an output. wgrib2 in \ -if_n 1::8 -s -grib out\ -if_n 3::8 -s -grib out\ -if_n 4::8 -s -grib out\ -if_n 5::8 -s -grib out\ -if_n 6::8 -s -grib out\ -if_n 7::8 -s -grib out\ -if_n 8::8 -s -grib out Note: "-if_n 2::8 -s -grib out" is missing (6) Some NCEP polar stereographic/lambert conformal files say that dx=0 and dy=0. Some NCEP files encode the grid spacing but set a flag specifying that the grid spacing is not given. In this case wgrib2 and wgrib display a grid spacing of zero. You can set the flag correctly by wgrib2 -set_flag_table_3.3 48 in.grb -grib out.grb (7) CMC files have some variables which don't have a name. wgrib2 doesn't include the local extensions from CMC. AFAIK, the CMC grib tables follows the NCEP grib table except where they don't. (How does that helps me?) So you may be able to get most of the fields right by using nt the NCEP tables. This can be done changing the center flag to NCEP (7). wgrib2 -set center 7 (CMC grib file) obsolete: wgrib2 -set_center 7 (CMC grib file) Warning, "-set center 7" changes the center of the in-memory grib message. If you write out the grib message, it will now have the center set to 7! wgrib2 -set center 7 (CMC grib file) -match 'HGT' -grib hgt.grb Note that hgt.grb will be labeled as coming from NCEP (7). If you are using g2ctl, you can use the NCEP table by changing $wgrib2='wgrib2'; to $wgrib='wgrib -set center 7'; in the g2ctl source code. (8) I get *** ERROR: not handled by to_we_sn_scan *** The default mode of wgrib2 is to convert the grid to WE:SN order. The code to convert from the native order to WE:SN hasn't been tested or written. This happens with grids with a variable number of lat or lon points. In order to use this file, you have to use the file in raw-order mode. I.e., use "-order raw" on the command line. When you dump the data, the grid points will be output without any translation of the order. wgrib2 -order raw -d 1 grib_file -bin out.bin (9) Getting more information The option -v and -v2 should be tried. Some of the options give a more verbose output. (10) I am generating a text dump (CSV) and the size of the file is really large. If you set the grid point values to "undefined", they won't print out. wgrib2 grib_file -undefine out-box 30:40 -10:10 -csv out.txt The grid points outside of the box are set to undefined. The -csv options tries to print the entire grid but finds only the values between 30N-40N and 10W-10E are defined. (10') I am generating a text dump (CSV) and the size of the file is really large, I am only interested in variable XYZ when it has values larger than 10 wgrib2 grib_file -match ':XYZ:' -undefine_val -9e20:10" -csv output.txt (10''') I am generating a text dump (CSV) and I need all the points printed, including the undefined values. The -ijbox option will print out all the values within a box, including the undefined valued. Also see (33). (11) I tried using the small_grib option but the files are bigger than the original. By default, The small_grib option writes a regional subset in simple packing. This requires less CPU resources but produces larger files than jpeg or complex packing. To use the same packing as the original file, use the "-set_grib_type same" option. (12) I want to modify some existing grib files. For example, I want to make sure the humidity (RH, SPFH) is positive. Suppose my file only has 1 record - brute force method 1) Save the data in a text file, tmp.out. -sh-3.00$ wgrib2 test.grb -no_header -text tmp.out 1:0:d=2009030712:SPFH:2 m above ground:6 hour fcst: 2) Change the data file, tmp.out, using the program of your choice. 3) Use the import_text option to read in new data values and use the -grib_out to write the values to a grib file. Note that you can not use the -grib option. -sh-3.00$ wgrib2 test.grb -no_header -import_text tmp.out -grib_out new.grb 1:0:d=2009030712:SPFH:2 m above ground:6 hour fcst: Suppose my file only has 1 record - simple method wgrib2 test.grb -rpn "0:max" -set_grib_type c2 -grib_out new.grb -rpn 0:max, replaces the grid point values with max(0,grid_point_value) (13) My software won't handle the level "30-0 mb above ground". How do I change the level to "15 mb above ground"? old style IF structure wgrib2 in.grb -if ":30-0 mb above ground" -set_lev "15 mb above ground" -fi -grib out.grb new style IF structure (wgrib2 v3.0.0+) wgrib2 in.grb -if ":30-0 mb above ground" -set_lev "15 mb above ground" -endif -grib out.grb (14) I have a list of options that I frequently use. How do I reduce the typing? (sh) my_opts="-grid -nl -packing -nl -stats" -sh-3.00$ wgrib2 gfs.t18z.master.grbf00.10m.uv.grib2 $my_opts (14') My list of option is getting long and hard to read. Some option lists consist of thousands of options. Consider a person getting the point value for every major city in the world. You can place the commands in a file. ------- my_list ------ -grid -nl -packing -nl -stats ----end of my_list---- -sh-3.00$ wgrib2 gfs.t18z.master.grbf00.10m.uv.grib2 `cat my_list` 1.1:0:grid_template=0: lat-lon grid:(720 x 361) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat 90.000000 to -90.000000 by 0.500000 lon 0.000000 to 359.500000 by 0.500000 #points=259920: :packing=grid point data - jpeg2000 compression: :ndata=259920:undef=0:mean=-0.0242625:min=-24.13:max=26.44:cos_wt_mean=-0.228323 1.2:0:grid_template=0: lat-lon grid:(720 x 361) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat 90.000000 to -90.000000 by 0.500000 lon 0.000000 to 359.500000 by 0.500000 #points=259920: :packing=grid point data - jpeg2000 compression: :ndata=259920:undef=0:mean=0.672931:min=-18.61:max=23.4:cos_wt_mean=0.788584 (15) I want to write the second records of a decoded grib-point data to stdout without the inventory. Use the -inv option to send the inventory to a read-only file and the symbolic file "-" which represents stdout. wgrib2 -d 2 input.grb2 -inv /dev/null -text - (16) Masking data: I want set all oceanic values to undefined. Suppose LAND is a grib file with the land mask (land=1, water=0) with the same grid as the data file (data.old) Make a new file with the land mask as the first record. cat LAND data.old > data.tmp wgrib2 data.tmp \ -if '^1:' \ -rpn '1:==:sto_1' \ -fi \ -not_if '^1:' \ -rpn 'rcl_1:mask' \ -set_grib_type same \ -set_scaling same same \ -grib_out Line 2: if the first record then Line 3: compute grid_value == 1 and save in register 1 Line 4: endif Line 5: if not the first record then Line 6: recall register 1, apply mask operator Line 6: top-of-stack = mask(grid, register_1) Line 6: note: rpn changes the scaling to 12-bits binary precision Line 7: change packing to the same as the input file Line 8: change scaling to the same as the input file Line 9: write to, note: output statement closes an -if statement 6/2021: -import_grib can be used to avoid the first step (16') My grib file uses the special value of -999.9 as the undefine value. (Grid points with a value of -999.9 are considered to be undefined). Using special values as undefined values is outside of the grib standard and should be avoided. To convert a file that uses -999.9 to the grib standard, you should do wgrib2 IN.grb -undefine_val 999.9 -set_grib_type same -grib_out OUT.grb (17) Make a daily max from the TMAX of the 00Z-06Z, 06Z-12Z, 12Z-18Z and 18Z-24Z *** FOR ANALYSES *** wgrib2 data >inv grep ":d=$YYYYMMDD" inv # N is the starting foreast hour N=240 M=`expr $N + 24` grep ":start_ft=$YYYYMMDD" UGRDa and VGRD -> UGRDb so VGRD should follow UGRD when sorted line 3: sort by date code, forecast time, level and variable line 4: wgrib2 reads inventory, writes out grib file as sorted by inventory (22) Obsolete: refers to the spectral GFS The GFS model has output every 3 hours in the files: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.fHHH HHH=000, 003, 006, 009, etc The APCP (accumulated precip) fields of the following format gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f003: has APCP:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f006: has APCP:surface:0-6 hour acc fcst: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f009: has APCP:surface:6-9 hour acc fcst: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f012: has APCP:surface:6-12 hour acc fcst: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f015: has APCP:surface:12-15 hour acc fcst: .. I want a file with the 3 hourly accumulations like 1:0:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst: 2:97943:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:3-6 hour acc fcst: 3:195886:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:6-9 hour acc fcst: 4:301974:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:9-12 hour acc fcst: 5:383627:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:12-15 hour acc fcst: .. You can use the -ncep_norm to make the 3 hourly accumulations of the APCP and olr by cat gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f0?? | wgrib2 - -match '(:APCP:|:ULWRF:top of atmosphere:)' \ -if ':APCP:' -ncep_norm $HOME/apcp.grb2 \ -if ':ULWRF:top of atmosphere:' -ncep_norm $HOME/olr.grb2 Results are $ wgrib2 ~/apcp.grb2 1:0:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst: 2:97943:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:3-6 hour acc fcst: 3:195886:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:6-9 hour acc fcst: 4:301974:d=2017041800:APCP:surface:9-12 hour acc fcst: ... $ wgrib2 ~/olr.grb2 1:0:d=2017041800:ULWRF:top of atmosphere:0-3 hour ave fcst: 2:65363:d=2017041800:ULWRF:top of atmosphere:3-6 hour ave fcst: 3:130726:d=2017041800:ULWRF:top of atmosphere:6-9 hour ave fcst: 4:204234:d=2017041800:ULWRF:top of atmosphere:9-12 hour ave fcst: ... (23) Take a month of 4x daily data and make daily averages. If you use use wgrib2 -ave dt OUTFILE, you will get a monthly mean when you do the averaging. You need to rearrange the file, so you only get daily chunks of a variable. wgrib2 $file | sed 's/\(:d=........\)/\1:/' | \ sort -t: -k3,3 -k5,5 -k6,6 -k7,7 -k4,4 | \ wgrib2 $file -i -ave 6hr $out Note: this procedure does not work with time series. (23') take a month time series of data and make a time series of daily average. Note, (23) doesn't work for time series. In this example, the days are in reverse order. This example only works with a time series (single field) the is every 3 hours. Revised 4/2015 wgrib2 $1 | sed 's/\(:d=........\)/\1:/' | sort -k3,3r -k4 -t: | \ wgrib2 -i $1 -ave 3hr $1.junk -set_grib_type c3 put data in chronological order (not necessary but looks nice) wgrib2 $1.junk | sort -k3 -t: | wgrib2 -i $1.junk -grib $1.daily (23'') take time series (single variable) of forecasts (every 6 hours) from a fixed starting time. Daily averages have to be from 00Z to 18Z (start of forecast time interval) wgrib2 $file -start_ft -s | sed 's/\(:start_ft=........\)/\1:/' | sort -t: \ -k3,3r -k6,7 -k4,4 | wgrib2 -i $file -set_grib_type c3 -fcst_ave 6hr $out.tmp # make file in nice order (optional) wgrib2 $out.tmp -start_ft -s | sort -t: -k3 | wgrib2 -i $out.tmp -grib $out rm $out.tmp (23''') time time series (single variable) of analyses every 3 hours and make monthly means wgrib2 $1 | sed 's/\(:d=......\)/\1:/' | sort -k3,3r -k4 -t: | \ wgrib2 -i $1 -ave 3hr $1.junk -set_grib_type c3 put data in chronological order (not necessary but looks nice) wgrib2 $1.junk | sort -k3 -t: | wgrib2 -i $1.junk -grib $1.mon (24) I want to change the process or model id of a grib file to 123. wgrib2 IN.grb -set analysis_or_forecast_process_id 123 -grib OUT.grb To see the available fields, type wgrib2 anything -set help help The -set option has a few predefined fields. If the field hasn't been defined, you can use the -set_byte or -set_int options. (25) -new_grid doesn't work! The error message says that the winds were ignored. The -new_grid option interpolates does vector interpolations for vector quantities. This makes a big difference near the North and South poles. As a consequence of doing vector interpolations, -new_grid requires the zonal and meridional components of the vector quantity to be processed as pairs. That is, the meridional component must be processed directly after the zonal component. This is done by sorting the inventory. However, to get the U-V order, we have to alter the names. wgrib2 IN.grb | \ sed -e 's/:d=\([0-9]*\):\([A-Z]\)\([^:]*\)/:d=\1:\3_\2:/' | \ sort -t: -k3,3 -k5,5 -k6,6 -k4,4 | \ wgrib2 -i IN.grb -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid latlon 0:144:2.5 -90:73:2.5 OUT.grb 1) This line make the inventory of IN.grb 2) This line takes :d=YYYYMMDDHH:NAME: and converts it into :d=YYYYMMDDHH:AME_N: The first letter of the make is put in the end. So meridional winds will follow the zonal winds when the file is sorted by the names. 3) sort the inventory 4) process the data in the order given by the inventory (-i). This ensures that the meridional winds follow the zonal winds. This example shows the interpolation to a 2.5 degree grid. (26) I have grib2 files in WE:NS order, how do I put them into WE:SN order? Use -new_grid to a new grid. Just make the new grid the same as the old grid except for a WE:SN order. (27) wgrib2 is really slow for extracting multiple point data. wgrib2 IN.grb -lon 22 56 > data_22_55.txt wgrib2 IN.grb -lon 22 58 > data_22_58.txt wgrib2 IN.grb -lon 23 33 > data_23_33.txt In the above example, the file is being decoded 3 times. Time can be saved by decoding once. wgrib2 IN.grb -lon 22 56 -lon 22 58 -lon 23 33 >data.txt (28) I have an irregular grid (130). How do I get the lat-lon of the points? (a) The -grid option will print out the first the lat-lon values for the first 300 points. (b) wgrib2 irr_grid.grb2 -d 1 -no_header -rpn rcl_lat -text lat.dat \ -rpn rcl_lon -text lon.dat (c) wgrib irr_grid.grb2 -d 1 -rpn 0 -spread latlon.txt (29) How do I remove duplicate records? The following routine removes records that have the same inventory. wgrib2 IN.grb -submsg 1 | | wgrib2 -i IN.grb -GRIB OUT.grb Note: (a) for messages with sub-messages, only the inventory of the 1st message is checked. i.e. if the 1st sub-message matches and the second sub-message doesn't, the entire message is removed. (b) order is preserved (c) sub-message structure is retained, see (a) (d) note that on the command line, "GRIB" is capitalized ----------------------- ------------------------ #!/usr/bin/perl -w # print only lines where fields 3..N are different # while () { chomp; $line = $_; $_ =~ s/^[0-9.]*:[0-9]*://; if (! defined $inv{$_}) { $inv{$_} = 1; print "$line\n"; } } --------------------- end ---------------------- (30) I want to use the editor to change the 2 m RH fields in a file Here is a simple way a extract and change a single grib message. wgrib2 IN.grb -match ":RH:2 m above ground:" -text rh.txt -grib rh.grb .. extract 2m RH in text and as a grib file edit rh.txt .. modify the grid point values wgrib2 rh.grb -import_text rh.txt -set_grib_type c3 -grib_out new_rh.grb .. write a new grib file with modified values Suppose you want to keep the original file and change a specific record wgrib2 IN.grb -match ":RH:2 m above ground:" -text rh.txt edit rh.txt wgrib2 IN.grb -if ":RH:2 m above ground:" -import_text rh.txt -fi -set_grib_type c3 -grib_out OUT.grb The above sequence will lose the submessages and waste time re-encoding the grib message. It is possible to save not re-encoding. (31) I wanted to find the min TMP2M for a given year from CFSR. IN.grb = time series of TMP2m (only) for the given year # create an inventory where record 1 is last wgrib2 IN.grb -for 2:: > junk.inv wgrib2 IN.grb -d 1 >> junk.inv # process the file with record 1 last wgrib2 -i location1.txt wgrib2 IN.grb -lon -80 40 > location2.txt Trick 1, extract location1 and location2 at the same time (2x savings) Code that reads location.txt needs to be changed wgrib2 IN.grb -lon -90 30 -lon -80 40 > locations.txt Trick 2, only decode the fields that you need (ex. 2 m temp, accumulated precip) 2 m temp = "TMP:2 m above ground" accumulated precip = "APCP" wgrib2 IN.grb -match "(:TMP:2 m above ground:|:APCP:)" -lon -90 30 -lon -80 40 > locations.txt notes: -match "(A|B)" means only process fields whose inventory matches A or B. The argument of -match is a regular expression (unix speak) which is expressive. In our example, only two fields need to be decoded as compared to the 2x300 fields. Comment: grib2 supports irregular grids (grids defined by longitude and latitudes). To save the values for 10 locations as a grib2 files, try wgrib2 IN.grb -irr_grid "lon1:lat1:lon2:lat2 .. lon10:lat10" RADIUS OUT.grb RADIUS: the nearest neighbor has to be within RADIUS km to be used. the nearest neighbor is used. storing the grib messages as submessages will make the file smaller. wgrib2 OUT.grb -tosubmsg SMALL_OUT.grb (35) I needed to make a grib file from a direct access big-endian IEEE time series of daily 00Z Z500 fields for 1980. step 1: make a template file, a grib2 file with 1 record with the right grid (same as IEEE file) and metadata (except time and level). Here is the result bash-3.2$ wgrib2 template 1:0:d=2012010100:HGT:500 mb:anl: The grid matches too. bash-3.2$ wgrib2 template -grid 1:0:grid_template=0:winds(N/S): lat-lon grid:(144 x 73) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat 90.000000 to -90.000000 by 2.500000 lon 0.000000 to 357.500000 by 2.500000 #points=10512 here's the bash command to convert the file into grib2. i=1 while [ $i -le 366 ] ; do wgrib2 template i=`expr $i + 1` done | wgrib2 -i template -set_ts_dates 1980010100 1day 1 -set_lev "700 mb" -no_header \ -big_endian -import_ieee $ieee -set_grib_type c3 -grib_out Z700.grb2 How many lines of fortran was saved? (36) The CSV file is corrupted when piping to stdout: wgrib2 test.grib -d 61 -csv - >out.txt out.txt starts with this line: 61:1537474"2013-07-02 00:00:00","2013-07-02 06:00:00","HGT","850 mb",0,-90,1283 and ends with this line: :d=2013070200:HGT:850 mb:6 hour fcst: Answer: wgrib2 options are divided into init - initialization functions (run before the processing of the grib file) inv - inventory functions .. write to stdout out - write to an output file misc - none of the above. If there are no "inv" options on the command line, a "-s" is added to the command line. Your command: wgrib2 test.grib -d 61 -csv - > out.txt has no inv options, so it is internally converted into: wgrib2 test.grb -d 61 -csv - -s >out.txt So stdout has both the -csv file and the -s inventory are piped to stdout. To solve your problem, try: wgrib2 test.grib -inv /dev/null -d 61 -csv - >out.txt on windows, wgrib2 test.grib -inv NUL -d 61 -csv - >out.txt The -inv option will send the inventory to a file rather than stdout. (37) Same grib name but different numbers, What is in a name? NCEP grib tables often have two sets of numbers for the variables. Let's take SOILW (soil water) as an example. Originally there was no WMO definition, so a local definition of SOILW was added to the NCEP local tables. A proposal for a new variable was sent to the WMO which was later approved. As a result, two sets of numbers for the same variable. Once WMO has approved the new variable, what happens? Once the new grib table is added to wgrib2, wgrib2 will use SOILW for both the local and WMO definitions. However, if you try to set the variable name to SOILW (-set_var SOILW), it will use the WMO definition if available. This will cause problems because most codes use numbers to identify variables. The suggested fix would for the codes to use the WMO definition and change any files with the local definition to use the WMO definition by, old: wgrib2 IN.grb -if ":SOILW:" -set_var SOILW -fi -grib OUT.grb new: wgrib2 IN.grb -if ":SOILW:" -set_var SOILW -endif -grib OUT.grb (38) How to read and append to the same grib file? (Post-processing) Generally reading and writing to the same file requires care. You don't want to read a section of the file that you are in the process of writing. Suppose you want to append the wind speed and direction to a file which already contains the zonal and meridional winds. One way to to create a file and append it to the original file wgrib2 -match "(UGRD|VGRD)" file.grb2 -wind_speed tmpfile -wind_dir tmpfile cat tmpfile >> file.grb2 Note: the -match option is not essential but speeds up the processing by only decoding the UGRD and VGRD fields. To append to the input file, you have to make an inventory file so that you don't read the sections that are in the process of being written. wgrib2 file.grb2 > file.inv egrep ":(UGRD|VGRD):" | wgrib2 -i file.grb2 -append -wind_speed file.grb2 -wind_dir file.grb2 Note: the egrep command speeds up the processing by only reading and decoding the UGRD and VGRD fields. The latter method is faster when the inventory file already exists or can be reused (multiple post-processing steps). (39) some rpn tricks WEASD = max(WEASD,0) wgrib2 IN.grb -set_grib_type c3 \ -if ":WEASD:" -rpn "0:max" -fi -grib_out OUT.grb if (TMP2m >= 310K) TMP2m = UNDEFINED wgrib2 IN.grb -set_grib_type c3 \ -if ":TMP:2 m above ground:" -rpn "dup:310:<:/" -fi -grib_out OUT.grb (40) How do I get the wind speed and direction? conversion between earth and grid relative winds. new: use -wind_dir and -wind_speed Calculating the wind speed is easy (UGRD^2 + VGRD^2)^0.5 use: wgrib2 IN.grb -wind_speed WND.grb Calculating the wind direction can be tricky. For global files, the UGRD is the wind to the east and VGRD is the wind to the north (earth relative). You can use: wgrib2 IN.grb -wind_dir WND.grb For Lambert conformal and polar stereographic files, UGRD is the wind from grid point (i,j) to (i+1,j). VGRD is the wind from grid point (i,j) to (i,j+1). This is call grid relative winds and -wind_dir doesn't work. However, the -new_grid option can change the winds to earth relative. So step 1 is to convert the winds to earth relative. wgrib2 IN.grb -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid ` IN.grb` OUT.grb The script returns the definition of the grid defintion of IN.grb in -new_grid format. Step 2 is to calculate the wind speed and direction. wgrib2 OUT.grb -wind_speed WND.grb -wind_dir WND.grb (41) A user found the Gaussian grid for 1 hourly PWAT changed in the CFSv2 (July 2013) prior to July 2013 Gaussian grid: (1760 x 880) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN number of latitudes between pole-equator=440 #points=1548800 lat 89.844000 to -89.844000 lon 0.000000 to 359.795000 by 0.2050001:0:grid_template=40:winds(N/S): July 2013 and afterwards, Gaussian grid: (1760 x 880) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN number of latitudes between pole-equator=440 #points=1548800 lat 89.843000 to -89.843000 lon 0.000000 to 359.795000 by 0.205000 It's a subtle difference, the Gaussian grid goes from +/-89.844 to +/-89.843. Gaussian grids are defined by the zeros of the Legendre polynomial, so the differences are probably caused by using a different compiler which caused a slightly different result. (Different order of operations?) Now this minor change in the grid definition caused a problem in the conversion to netcdf. The converter said the grid were different and wouldn't make a time series across the July 2013 transition. The following command will change the 8 bytes in the Grid Definition Section. If the grid happens to be the previous grid, then you will second last grid. Otherwise you will get garbage file. You have been warned. wgrib2 -set_int 3 47 89743000 -set_int 3 56 -89743000 IN.grb -grib OUT.grb (42) I want to convert a grid to -180 to 180 grid. Assuming that you have IPOLATES installed and IPOLATES supports the grid, then you can do wgrib2 In.grb -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid latlon 180:361:1 -90:181:1 out.grb If you don't want an 1x1 degree grid, you would have to change the grid defintion. (43) This question is obsolete and applies the spectral GFS. -merge_fcst, -ncep_norm stop working after 10 days into the forecast when using NCEP products. As of 7/2014, the GFS and CFSv2 first create grib1 files and then convert the files into grib2 using cnvgrib. Accumulations and averages have the form "N-M hour (ave/acc) forecast". With grib1, you can write "N-M hour (ave/acc) forecast" when N and M <= 255 hours. When N and M were greater then 255 and a multiple of 6, you could change the time units from hours to "6 hours". Then the max hour 1530 (little over 2 months). So for hours 0 .. 252, the time units was set to hours So for hours 258.. 1530 the time units was set to 6 hours The 255 limit is changed to 4 billion in grib2, so there is no need to change time units. The program, cnvgrib retains the time units when converting to grib2. However the -merge_fcst and -ncep_norm options require all the time units to be identical. Consequently these options fail at day 10 when the grib2 files were created by cnvgrib. work around, use -set_metadata to recode the forecast times wgrib2 IN.grb | wgrib2 IN.grb -set_metadata - -grib OUT.grb (44) I have a time series of SST analyses at 00Z with no missing dates. I want to make a time series of the daily increments (SST(day+1) - SST(day)) 1 #!/bin/sh 2 # 3 # make daily increments 4 # 5 file=sst.t00z 6 pipe=/tmp/pipe$$ 7 8 set -x 9 n=`wgrib2 $file | wc -l` 10 n_1=`expr $n - 1` 11 12 [ -f $pipe ] && rm $pipe 13 [ -p $pipe ] && rm $pipe 14 15 mkfifo $pipe 16 wgrib2 $file -for_n "2:$n" -bin $pipe & 17 18 wgrib2 -for_n "1:$n_1" $file -rpn "sto_1" -import_bin $pipe -rpn "rcl_1:-" \ 19 -set_pdt +4.8 -set_ave "0-24 hour last-first anl" -set_grib_type c1 -grib_out $ 20 21 [ -p $pipe ] && rm $pipe 22 23 exit line 9: find the number of fields in the time series line 10: find the number of fields in the time series minus 1 lines 12-15: make a named pipe (unix or linux) line 16: write fields 2:n to the pipe in binary format as a background process line 18: -for_n "1:$n_1" .. process all but the last field line 18: -rpn sto_1 .. save SST in register 1 line 18: -import_bin $pipe .. read day+1 SST from pipe line 18: -rpn "rcl_1:-" compute day+1 SST - day SST line 19: -set_pdt +4.8 .. change product definition template to 4.8 (+ to preserve metadata) line 19: change metadata of pdt 4.8 to "0-24 hour last-first anl" (45) How do I compare Z500 from two grib files (same grid)? fld=":HGT:500 mb:" wgrib2 $file1 -match "$fld" -inv /dev/null -bin - | \ wgrib2 $file2 -match "$fld" -s -rpn "sto_1" -import_bin - -rpn "rcl_1:print_corr:print_rms" line 2: read $file1 and Z500 to binary and write it to stdout line 3: read $file2, save Z500 to register 1, read stdin (Z500 of file1), print correlation and rms (45') How do I compare two grib files with identical structure and grids? wgrib2 $file1 -inv /dev/null -bin - | \ wgrib2 $file2 -s -rpn "sto_1" -import_bin - -rpn "rcl_1:print_corr:print_rms" (46) Land-sea mask mismatch problem: The SST and sea-ice analysis can be created with a different land-sea mask than used by numerical model. So if the sst analysis in the model, some sea points may have no analyzed SSTs. Assuming the land points have an undefined value (for SST), this will extend the SST analysis by 2 grid points. wgrib2 $in -set_scaling -2 0 -rpn smth9g -grib_out tmp.1 -rpn smth9g -grib_out tmp.2 smth9 will do a 9-point smoothing. A side effect is that undefined points that are adjacent to a defined point will become defined. The above line creates a smoothed SST with a defined sst that are 1 (tmp.1) and 2 (tmp.2) points from the sst analysis. wgrib2 $in -rpn sto_1 -import_grib tmp.1 -rpn "rcl_1:merge:sto_1" \ -import_grib tmp.2 -rpn "rcl_1:merge" \ -set_grib_type c3 -set_scaling -2 0 -grib_out $in.fill This command merges the 3 files with the following priority: $in > tmp.1 > tmp.2 The net result is a new SST analysis which can be used with minor mismatches in the land-sea mask. (47) Converting grib file from locally defined grib table to WMO defined grib table. *** these solutions require wgrib v2.0.2+ *** Case 1: Only one variables need to be converted and the rest are ok. example: DLWRF can be defined with NCEP local table as well WMO table In the current GFS file, DLWRF has the varX of $ wgrib2 gdas1.t12z.sfluxgrbf01.grib2 -match DLWRF 29:61416941:var0_2_1_7_5_192 90:144283119:var0_2_1_7_5_192 The format of varX is var(Discipline)_(Master table)_(Local_table)_(Center)_Category)_(Parameter) Discipline (Code Table 0.0) = 0 Master table (Table 1.0)= 2 Local table (Code Table 1.1) = 1 Center (Table 0) = 7 (NCEP) Category (Code Table 4.1)= 5 Parmeter (Code Table 4.2) = 192 To change to the WMO definition of DLWRF you can do wgrib IN -if "var0_2_1_7_5_192:" -set_var DLWRF -fi -grib OUT The above command would fail if the master table were 3 or any other number. To make the master table a wild card, you can do wgrib IN -if "var0_[0-9]+_1_7_5_192:" -set_var DLWRF -fi -grib OUT Makes you want to learn regular expressions. Case 2: The entire file needs to be converted to WMO tables. In this case, we are going to assume that the Master and Local tables are fixed numbers. (The center that made the file may switch to WMO tables and would indicate it by using a different table numbers.) Suppose TMP in the grib file is defined by Discipline (Code Table 0.0) = 0 Master table (Table 1.0)= 1 Local table (Code Table 1.1) = 2 Center (Table 0) = 3 Category (Code Table 4.1)= 4 Parmeter (Code Table 4.2) = 5 Suppose HGT in the grib file is defined by Discipline (Code Table 0.0) = 0 Master table (Table 1.0)= 1 Local table (Code Table 1.1) = 2 Center (Table 0) = 3 Category (Code Table 4.1)= 6 Category (Code Table 4.1)= 7 Suppose max 0-6 hour fcst UGRD in the grib file is defined by Discipline (Code Table 0.0) = 0 Master table (Table 1.0)= 1 Local table (Code Table 1.1) = 2 Center (Table 0) = 3 Category (Code Table 4.1)= 8 Category (Code Table 4.1)= 9 wgrib2 IN \ -if ":var_0_1_2_3_4_5:" -set_var TMP -grib OUT \ -if ":var_0_1_2_3_6_7:" -set_var HGT -grib OUT \ -if ":var_0_1_2_3_8_9:" -set_var UGRD -set_ave "0-6 hour max fcst" -grib OUT The above line will convert 3 of the variables in the file (48) I have a HRRR file that I want to convert to netcdf. I want to convert some UGRD/VGRD/HGT/TMP into a 3-D structure (X,Y,Z). $ wgrib2 HRRRfile -match TMP 101:8480451:d=2014010100:TMP:1 hybrid level:anl: 102:8533783:d=2014010100:TMP:2 hybrid level:anl: 103:8585030:d=2014010100:TMP:3 hybrid level:anl: ... 149:10425493:d=2014010100:TMP:49 hybrid level:anl: 150:10461311:d=2014010100:TMP:50 hybrid level:anl: 686:29981253:d=2014010100:TMP:2 m above ground:anl: 696:30707544:d=2014010100:TMP:surface:anl: The data are on 50 hybrid levels. Doing the following commands: $ wgrib2 HRRRfile -netcdf -match ":(UGRD|VGRD|HGT|TMP):" $ ncdump -h | grep short HGT_1hybridlevel:short_name = "HGT_1hybridlevel" ; HGT_2hybridlevel:short_name = "HGT_2hybridlevel" ; HGT_3hybridlevel:short_name = "HGT_3hybridlevel" ; HGT_4hybridlevel:short_name = "HGT_4hybridlevel" ; HGT_5hybridlevel:short_name = "HGT_5hybridlevel" ; ... give each field has its own name. NetCDF data is stored in a (X,Y) structure. Doing the following commands: $ wgrib2 HRRRfile -nc_nlev 50 -netcdf -match ":(UGRD|VGRD|HGT|TMP):" $ ncdump -h | grep short | more HGT:short_name = "HGT" ; TMP:short_name = "TMP" ; UGRD:short_name = "UGRD" ; VGRD:short_name = "VGRD" ; UGRD_tropopause:short_name = "UGRD_tropopause" ; VGRD_tropopause:short_name = "VGRD_tropopause" ; TMP_2maboveground:short_name = "TMP_2maboveground" ; UGRD_10maboveground:short_name = "UGRD_10maboveground" ; VGRD_10maboveground:short_name = "VGRD_10maboveground" ; HGT_surface:short_name = "HGT_surface" ; TMP_surface:short_name = "TMP_surface" ; 50 levels of HGT, TMP, UGRD and VGRD are now 3-D variables. (49) GrADS trick, may be helpful with other applications The grib file tmax2m_member_01.grib wouldn't plot in GrADS because the was using a Product Definition Template (PDT) that wasn't supported by GrADS v2.0.1. $ wgrib2 /tmp/tmax2m_member_01.grib 1:0:d=1995070200:TMP:2 m above ground:0-6 hour max fcst:ENS=? table4.6=255 pert=1 2:58293:d=1995070200:TMP:2 m above ground:6-12 hour max fcst:ENS=? table4.6=255 pert=1 3:116586:d=1995070200:TMP:2 m above ground:12-18 hour max fcst:ENS=? table4.6=255 pert=1 This file is using PDT 61 which is like the supported PDT 8 except for the ensemble information. If the grib file is converted to PDT 8 (with the loss of the ensemble metadata), then GrADS can display the forecast. $ wgrib2 /tmp/tmax2m_member_01.grib -set_pdt +8 -grib /tmp/tmax.grb ... $ wgrib2 /tmp/tmax.grb 1:0:d=1995070200:TMP:2 m above ground:0-6 hour max fcst: 2:58283:d=1995070200:TMP:2 m above ground:6-12 hour max fcst: ... The other common supported PDT is 0 which is for analyses and instantaneous forecasts. (50) GrADS trick, may be helpful with other applications This is an old trick to display grib2 files with GrADS. Convert the file into netcdf and see if "sdfopen" will work. Comments: The file, /tmp/tmax2m_member_01.grib, almost or sort of worked with this trick. The file in question did not have time(n) = To + n*dt and had some problems with GrADS. Other potential problems. GrADS's sdfopen command want the grid to lat-lon. Projections will require ctl file. (51) This is fast way to make a time series from a forecast run (or analyses) where each variable in in its own file. ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh # public domain 2/2016 Wesley Ebisuzaki # # Take N grib2 file with a specified date and make a time series # The N files must be in alphanumeric order, ex., gfs.YYYYMMDDHH # The contents of N files must be similar except for the date code # # The output is a set of M time series. # # example usage: pgb.anl.* (filenames=pgb.anl.YYYYMMDDHH) # example usage: pgb.f??? (filenames=pgb.f{3 digit forecast hour}) # file1=$1 cmd="cat $* | wgrib2 - " for f in `wgrib2 $file1 | cut -f4-5 -d: | sed 's/ /@/g' | sort -u` do match=`echo $f | sed 's/@/ /g'` file=`echo $f | sed -e 's/[:@]/_/g'` cmd="$cmd -if ':${match}:' -grib $file" done eval $cmd exit $? ----------------------------------- end ------------------------------------- This script only works on "simple" grib files. Some files have variables that require extended variable names. Some extended variable names use special characters such as ">" which cannot appear in a filename. (52) I want a CSV (comma separated value) file for a grid point. wgrib2 gep19.t00z.pgrb2af180 -irr_grid 10:20 1000 - | wgrib2 - -csv out The above makes a CSV file, out, for the closest grid point to 10E and 20N. The grid point has to be within 1000 km. wgrib2 gep19.t00z.pgrb2af180 -irr_grid 10:20:30:40 1000 - | wgrib2 - -csv out The above makes a CSV file, out, for the closest grid points to (10E, 20N) and (30E,40N). The grid points have to be within 1000 km. (53) Some ECMWF files contain both grib1 and grib2 data. How you separate them in to different files? to get the grib1 data: wgrib ECMWF.grb -grib -o ECMWF.grb1 -d all to get the grib2 data: wgrib2 ECMWF.grb -grib ECMWF.grb2 (54) Fixing the verification time (vt). "I am trying to alter the vt times of certain variables in a grib 2 file. ... 144:35236742:vt=2016062006:d=2016062006:TPRATE:surface:0-1 hour acc fcst: 145:35438549:vt=2016062006:d=2016062006:TPRATE:surface:0-2 hour acc fcst: 146:35642694:vt=2016062006:d=2016062006:TPRATE:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst:" The verification time was incorrectly set by producer of the grib file, and it would be best if the producer would fix their grib files. Lets call your file, XYZ.grb, to protect the name of the guilty party. The following will fix the verification time. wgrib2 XYZ.grb > XYZ.inv wgrib2 XYZ.grb -set_metadata XYZ.inv -grib XYZ_new.grb2 The option -set_metadata will rewrite the metadata and correct the verification time. The option, -set_metadata, only handles a subset of the grib standard, so some files can't be handled. (55) My grib file is WE|EW:SN order, how do I convert it to WE:SN order? WE|EW:SN means the first row goes from W to E. The next row of data is slightly N and goes from E to W. The third row of data goes from W to E and so forth. Step 1: Find the grid dimensions $ wgrib2 blend.grb -nxny 1:0:(2145 x 1597) Step 2: Use -ijsmall_grib to rewrite the entire grid. -ijsmall_grib will write the subgrid in WE:SN order. wgrib2 blend.grb -ijsmall_grib 1:2145 1:1597 blend2.grb (56) I get the error: $ wgrib2 surface.warms.2016021600f00.grb 1:0:d=2016021600:REFC:entire atmosphere:anl: 2:738980:d=2016021600:VIS:surface:anl: 3:1648450:d=2016021600:PRES:surface:anl: 4:2387430:d=2016021600:TMP:surface:anl: 5:3183240:d=2016021600:WEASD:surface:anl: 6:3183428:d=2016021600:TMP:2 m above ground:anl: 7:3808748:d=2016021600:DPT:2 m above ground:anl: 8:4547728:d=2016021600:RH:2 m above ground:anl: 9:5116218:d=2016021600:UGRD:10 m above ground:anl: 10:5684708:d=2016021600:VGRD:10 m above ground:anl: *** FATAL ERROR: Statistical processing bad n=0 *** 11:6253198 What happened? The error occurred in message 11. Message 11 includes statisical processing and the "n" parameter has an illegal value of zero. The producer of the grib file needs to fix the grib file. Earlier versions of wgrib2 printed an empty time stamp. The current version will terminate with a fatal error. (That will get the producer's attention.) How do I read the file? The fatal error is triggered when you generate the time stamp. You have to avoid anything that generates a time stamp such as -s, -if and -match. To create a file without record 11, you can do $ wgrib2 surface.warms.2016021600f00.grb -pdt | egrep -v "^11:" | \ wgrib2 -i surface.warms.2016021600f00.grb -grib You can't use the -not option because that creates an match inventory which triggers the error message. To make an inventory, $ wgrib2 surface.warms.2016021600f00.grb -if_rec 1:10 -s -fi -if_rec 12: -s -fi If you can process the file in two pieces, you can do $ wgrib2 surface.warms.2016021600f00.grb -for 1:10 (rest of options) $ wgrib2 surface.warms.2016021600f00.grb -for 12: (rest of options) With the last line, the for loop has no ending value which is equivalent to the end of the file (57) What is the difference between, A) wgrib2 $1 -match ":(VIS:surface:60 min fcst|HGT:cloud ceiling:60 min fcst)" -grib out >/dev/null B) wgrib2 $1 -match ":(VIS:surface:60 min fcst|HGT:cloud ceiling:60 min fcst)" | \ wgrib2 -i $1 -grib_out out >/dev/null Both A and B create grib files with similar fields. A) This command copies the ":(VIS:surface:60 min fcst|HGT:cloud ceiling:60 min fcst)" fields to the file out. This command takes one sequential read of the file. B) The first line of B creates an inventory of the ":(VIS:surface:60 min fcst|HGT:cloud ceiling:60 min fcst)" fields. This line takes one sequential read of the file (like A). The second line of B reads the inventory and does a -grib_out of the selected records. This requires wgrib2 to do a random-access read and decode the selected records and to encode the same records using the default packing and scaling. Version A is much faster. If you need to change the scaling or compression type of the output file, you can do something like wgrib2 $1 -match ":(VIS:surface:60 min fcst|HGT:cloud ceiling:60 min fcst)" \ -set_grib_type c3 -grib out >/dev/null which will convert the packing to "c3" in one sequential read. (58) I have a grib file and I can't figure out the differences between grib messages records 10 and 11. bash-4.1$ wgrib2 test.grb -for 10:11 10:1635:d=2016091900:UGRD:10 m above ground:1 hour fcst: 11:1814:d=2016091900:UGRD:10 m above ground:1 hour fcst: Grib messages 10 and 11 have the same default inventory but they may be different fields. For example, the two fields could have been created by different centers or by different models. Perhaps some (obscure) table has different value. Finding the difference is a 3 step process. Step 1: Find out which sections are different. You should check Section 1 - has center, subcenter, production status, type of processed data Section 2 - has any locally use data Section 3 - has grid definition Section 4 - product definition Sections 5, 6 and 7 are used to store the grid point values and do not store any information about the type of field. To see if Section 1 is the same in both grib messages, type bash-4.1$ wgrib2 test.grb -for 10:11 -checksum 1 10:1635:sec1_cksum=2150887347 11:1814:sec1_cksum=2150887347 In our example, Section 1 have the same checksum and are the same. This step should be repeated for Sections 2, 3 and 4. This step isolates the difference to a single section. Step 2: Once you have isolated the differences to a single Section, you can dump the Section contents. The differences often is in Section 4, the Product Definition Section. At this point, you can dump the entire Section. bash-4.1$ wgrib2 test.grb -for 10:11 -v2 -0xSec 4 From the output, you can find the bytes/octets that are different. Step 3: Once you have found the differences in the Sections, you have to consult the grib documentation. The problem may be that your file is using a template that lacks support in wgrib2 or that the table needs to be expressed in the default inventory. Consult wgrib2 support. (59) How do I write a single grid point value to a file in binary? (or text or CSV) The -lon option will write the grid point value to the inventory but sometimes one needs to write the value to a binary file. You can use the -lola option with nlat=nlon=1 and dlat=dlon=1 (or any non-zero value). In this example, we write out the nearest grid point to 10E and 20N in binary/text/CSV formats. binary: wgrib2 IN.grb -no_header -lola "10:1:1" "20:1:1" grid.bin bin text: wgrib2 IN.grb -lola "10:1:1" "20:1:1" grid.txt text CSV: wgrib2 IN.grb -lola "10:1:1" "20:1:1" grid.grb grib (convert to grib) wgrib2 grid.grb -csv grid.csv (convert grib to CSV) text2: wgrib2 IN.grb -s -last grid.txt -lon -last grid.txt -nl_out grid.txt Note: text2 uses the -last option which write the output of the last "inv" option to a file. (60) I have a file with a level type (XXX) that I want to change to "100 m above ground" For a level, -code_table_4.5a has the level type and -code_table_4.5b is undefined (255) For a layer, -code_table_4.5a has the level1 type and -code_table_4.5b is has level2 type (A layer is defined by two levels) (1) wgrib2 IN.grb -match_inv_add_code code_table_4.5a "" "" -match_inv_add code_table_4.5b "" "" \ (2) -if ":code table 4.5a=XXX:code table 4.5b=255:" -set_lev "100 m above ground" -fi \ (3) -grib OUT.grb (1) As of 11/2018, code table 4.5a/b are not part of the match inventory, so we have to add it in. (2) if code table 4.5a == XXX and code table 4.5b == 255 , then change the level (3) write out the file (61) I have a file with var246 that I want to change to the standard UGRD at 100 m above ground. cheap version: wgrib2 IN.grb -if ":var246:" -set_var UGRD -set_lev "100 m above ground" -fi -grib OUT.grb The above version assumes the var246 is unique. It is possible that var246 can refer to two different variables because 6 integers are used to identify a variable. Sometimes you have to refer to the varA_B_C_D_E_F format especially when the table conflicts with the WMO tables. A = discipline B = master table C = local table D = parameter category E = parameter see To see the varA_B_C_D_E_F format of the file, do wgrib2 IN.grb -s -varX Once you found the unique variable name, you can do wgrib2 IN.grb \ -if ":varA1_B1_C1_D1_E1_F1:" -set_var "UGRD" -set_lev "100 m above ground: -fi \ -if ":varA2_B2_C2_D2_E2_F2:" -set_var "TMP" -set_lev "100 m above ground: -fi \ -grib OUT.grb (62) How do I replace grib message 10 in file A by grib message 1 in file B and save it in file C? wgrib2 A -for 1:9 -grib C wgrib2 B -for 1:1 -append -grib C wgrib2 A -for 11: -append -grib C (63) My file has some fields which are completely undefined. How do I get rid of these undefined fields. wgrib2 IN.grb -max | grep -v ":max=undefined" | wgrib2 IN.grb -i -grib OUT.grb (64) How do I get a temperature profile for 10N -40W 1) get a grib file with all the temperatures with all the temperature fields (IN.grb) 2) 10N 40W translates to lon=320 lat=10 wgrib2 IN.grb -match ":TMP:[0-9]* mb:" | sort -k5,5rn -t: | \ wgrib2 -i IN.grb -s -lon 320 10 703:1255733704:d=2018030400:TMP:1000 mb:48 hour fcst::lon=320.039063,lat=10.016270,val=296.3 689:1229794983:d=2018030400:TMP:975 mb:48 hour fcst::lon=320.039063,lat=10.016270,val=294.1 673:1197991070:d=2018030400:TMP:950 mb:48 hour fcst::lon=320.039063,lat=10.016270,val=292.1 ... 13:24746631:d=2018030400:TMP:1 mb:48 hour fcst::lon=320.039063,lat=10.016270,val=266.1 How it works: wgrib2 IN.grb -match ":TMP:[0-9]* mb:" creates an inventory of temperature on mb surfaces sort -k5,5rn -t: sorts the 5th column (level) in reverse numeric order (big to small) wgrib2 -i IN.grb -s -lon 320 10 wgrib2 -i read the inventory for the fields to process wgrib2 -lon print nearest grid point to lon=320 lat=10 -ijlat could have been used instead of the lon/lat values. (65) I have 80 ensemble members that have WIND (wind speed) at 10m. I want to find the probability the the WIND is greater or equal to 15 m/s based on the percentile of ens members >= 15 m/s ensemble data is at $input/flx.memNNN.YYMMDDHH where NNN=001..080 WIND is only defined at 10 meters above ground cat $input/flx.mem???.$date | wgrib2 - -match ":WIND:" -rpn "15:>=" -ens_processing ensstat.grb x wgrib2 ensstat.grb -match ":ens mean" -set_grib_type c3 -set_prob 1 1 1 15 15 -grib wind_ge_15.grb Okay, 2 lines to compute the probabilities. Here's the easier to understand version # make file with 80 member WIND fields cat $input/flx.mem???.$date | wgrib2 - -match ":WIND:" -grib wind.grb # convert WIND (wind speed) to 1/0 depending if >= 15 m/s wgrib2 wind.grb -rpn "15:>=" -grib_out wind15.grb # find ensemble average using the -ens_processing option wgrib2 wind15.grb -ens_processing ensstat.grb x # extract ensemble mean from statistics wgrib2 ensstat.grb -match ":ens mean" -grib ens_mean.grb # convert into grib probability # wgrib2 ens_mean.grb -set_prob A B C LV UV -grib wind_ge_15.grb # A=forecast probability number # B=number of probability forecasts # C=grib2 Code table 4.9 (ge, le, bound) # LV=lower value # UV=upper value # note: A and B are used so that one can find ranges # ex. fcst1 = probability WIND >= 5 # ex. fcst2 = probability WIND >= 10 # ex. fcst3 = probability WIND >= 15 # A=1, 2 or 3 and B=3 .. can find probability wind >= 5 and WIND < 10 wgrib2 ens_mean.grb -set_grib_type c3 -set_prob 1 1 1 15 15 -grib wind_ge_15.grb (65') I want to get the probabiliy of WIND >= 10, 15 and 20 m/s based on the percentiles of ensemble members # get WIND field from all ensemble members cat $input/flx.mem???.$date | wgrib2 - -match ":WIND:10 m above ground:" -grib ens.grb # have 3 probability fields, makes easy to find prob between 10 and 15, and 15 and 20. wgrib2 ens.grb -rpn "10:>=" -ens_processing - x -inv /dev/null | \ wgrib2 - -match ":ens mean" -set_grib_type c3 -set_prob 1 3 1 10 10 -grib wind.grb wgrib2 ens.grb -rpn "15:>=" -ens_processing - x -inv /dev/null | \ wgrib2 - -match ":ens mean" -set_grib_type c3 -set_prob 2 3 1 15 15 -append -grib wind.grb wgrib2 ens.grb -rpn "20:>=" -ens_processing - x -inv /dev/null | \ wgrib2 - -match ":ens mean" -set_grib_type c3 -set_prob 3 3 1 20 20 -append -grib wind.grb (66) The new GFS (FV3) model is producing two APCP (accumulated precip), I want the old/new version. The new GFS is producing the old and new stype of APCP old: N-M hour acc fcst N = int(M-1)/M) * 6 ex. 0-3 hour acc fcst 0-6 hour acc fcst 6-9 hour acc fcst 6-12 hour acc fcst 12-15 hour acc fcst new: 0-M hour acc fcst ex. 0-3 hour acc fcst 0-6 hour acc fcst 0-9 hour acc fcst 0-12 hour acc fcst 0-15 hour acc fcst The new style is easier to use. To find the N-M hour accumulation ex. (0-M hour acc fcst) - (0-N hour acc fcst) == N-M hour accumulated fcst The problem is that many programs do not accept two copies of the APCP, and some are only working with the old style APCP A quick way to eliminate the old/new APCP from your downloaded file. Keep old style APCP and remove new style APCP $ wgrib2 IN.grb -not APCP -grib OUT.grb $ wgrib2 IN.grb -match APCP -append -grib OUT.grb -quit This script uses the fact that the old APCP is the 1st APCP. This more complicated version can handle the APCP in any order. $ wgrib2 IN.grb -not APCP -grib OUT.grb $ wgrib2 IN.grb -match APCP -append -if ":(0-3 |0-6|[1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]*)" -grib OUT.grb \ -if ":(0-3 |0-6|[1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]*)" -quit -fi Keep new style APCP and remove old stype APCP $ wgrib2 IN.grb -not APCP -grib OUT.grb $ wgrib2 IN.grb | grep APCP | tail -n 1 | wgrib2 -i IN.grb -append OUT.grb This script uses the fact that the new APCP is the 2nd APCP. This more complicated version can handle the APCP in any order. $ wgrib2 IN.grb -not APCP -grib OUT.grb $ wgrib2 IN.grb -match APCP -append -if ":0-" -grib OUT.grb -if ":0-" -quit -fi With the new IF structure (wgrib2 v3.0.0+), life is easier. Keep 1st APCP (old style) $ wgrib2 IN.grb -if APCP -if_reg 0 -else -grib OUT.grb -rpn sto_0 -endif \ -else -grib OUT.grb -endif Keep 2nd APCP (new style) $ wgrib2 IN.grb -if APCP -if_reg 0 -grib OUT.grb -else -rpn sto_0 -endif \ -else -grib OUT.grb -endif (66') I want the "(N-1)-(N) hour acc" APCP from the N-fcst hour HRRR file. The N fhour HRRR has the "0-N hour acc" APCP and the "N-1-N hour acc" APCP. The only exceptions are the f000 and f001 files which have one APCP, "0-0 hour acc" and "0-1 hour acc". wgrib2 HRRR.grb -match -APCP -match ':(0-1 |[1-9][0-9]*-)' -grib small.grb I guess that one could write safer code wgrib2 HRRR.grb -match -APCP -match ':(0-1|[1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]*) hour acc:' -grib small.grb (67) How do I get the precip from i to j hours from the GFS-FV3 model files? removed: see trick 67' (67') How do I get the APCP for specific periods from the GFS #!/bin/sh # # example of calculating GFS APCP for custom periods # want 06-09, 09-12, 12-15, 15-24, 24-48 hours # need the 06, 09, 12, 15, 24 and 48 hour forecasts # # the output iis in apcp.grb # the calculated APCP fields may have a small negative because of # finite precision is used dir=/gpfs/dell1/nco/ops/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20211212/00/atmos/ cat $dir/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f006 $dir/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f009 \ $dir/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f012 $dir/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f015 \ $dir/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f024 $dir/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f048 | \ wgrib2 - -match ":APCP:" -match ":0-[0-9]* [a-z]* acc fcst:" -set_grib_type c1 -ncep_norm apcp.grb 68) My grib file is corrupted, and wgrib2 stops when it finds the corrupted grib message. How do I skip the corrupted message? Corrupted files are to be avoided. Grib2 is doesn't have a checksum, so you can corrupt the data and the grib decoder will not be the wiser. You can corrupt some other part of the file, and the grib decoder can think that the grib message is 2**32 - 1 bytes in length. However, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Step 1) find the location of the last good grib message $ wgrib2 IN.grb -range Suppose the last good message is 51:2278237:range=2278237-2360367 Then you want to skip at least 2360367 + 1 bytes Step 2) use "dd" to skip N bytes, so wgrib2 doesn't recognize the bad grib message. Often you have to skip the ending byte of the last good message + 1. However, grib allows non-grib data between the grib message, so you may have to skip more messages. $ dd ibs=1 skip=N if=IN.grb | wgrib2 - -grib recover_file.grb where N is the number of bytes to skip. The command 'dd' is a standard linux/unix utility, and there are versions of dd for Windows. 69) wgrib2 -merge_fcst 0 filename fails at hour 30 or 36 with ensemble type grib2 data (HREF, GEFS, RRFS). This answer is for the HREF which fails twice for the 0-48 hour forecasts. $ wgrib2 all.grb -s -N_ens ... 35:13523144:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:34-35 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:10 ens members 36:13935174:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:35-36 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:10 ens members 37:14348322:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:36-37 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:8 ens members 38:14759327:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:37-38 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:8 ens members 39:15177821:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:38-39 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:8 ens members 40:15595511:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:39-40 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:8 ens members 41:16002062:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:40-41 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:8 ens members 42:16408392:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:41-42 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:8 ens members 43:16814291:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:42-43 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:7 ens members 44:17210394:d=2024012300:APCP:surface:43-44 hour acc fcst:wt ens mean:process=193:7 ens members ... From the above, you see the number of ensemble members that were used to create the ensemble mean changes with forecast lead. As a result -merge_fcst considers that there are 3 types of APCP forecasts and will merge the 48 1 hour fcsts. If you want pretend that all the ensembles had 10 members, you could do, $ wgrib2 all.grb -set_ensm_derived_fcst 12 10 -merge_fcst 0 merged.grb FYI, 12 is the pdt used by the APCP forecast. 70) How do I change the process id from 140 to 141. I revised some grib files, and I wanted to tell the users that these were the new version. So I want to change the process id from 140 to 141. The probem is the match_inv doesn't contain the process id. I devised this script. The trick is to use the "-match_inv_add" option. #!/bin/sh # # update process id from 140 to 141 wgrib2 $1 -match_inv_add processid x x \ -if "forecast generating process=140" \ -print "yes" \ -set analysis_or_forecast_process_id 141 \ -grib $ \ -else \ -print "no" \ -grib $ \ -endif 71) Depending on the version of wgrib2, the aerosol type is either "Total aerosol" or "Total Aerosol". As result my -match depends on the version of wgrib2. Sorry. The chemical/aerosol name comes directly from the NCEP web page. People didn't realize that changes in the table would affect the wgrib2 behavior. The fix is to replace "aerosol" or "Aerosol" by "[aA]erosol" when used in the -match and -if options. Regex to the rescue. 72) The grid point values consist of (1) floats (valued between 0 and 100), (2) flags -1 and (3) undefined values. How do I interpolate? Nearest neighbor will preserve the flag values but I want bilinear interpolation when the values are the floats. A = original field B = only the floats, convert -1 to undefined wgrib2 A -undefine_val -1.1:-0.9 -grib_out B C = floats converted to undefined values wgrib2 A -undefine_val -0.1:101 -grib_out C Bi = B interpolated Ci = C interpolated ex. wgrib2 B -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid_interpolation bilinear -new_grid ncep grid 221 Bi ex. wgrib2 C -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid_interpolation neighbor -new_grid ncep grid 221 Ci D = merge of Bi and Ci wgrib2 Bi -rpn sto_1 -import Ci -rpn "rcl_1:merge" -grib_out D 73) I have a file with forecasts at 3 hour intervals (ex. 3 hour fcst, 6 hour fcst, etc). How do I get the forecasts at 6 hour intervals? Assuming the forecasts start at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z or 18Z. wgrib2 IN.grb -match ":vt=........(00|06|12|18):" -grib OUT.grb vt= verification time or ending time. The 8 periods will match YYYYMMDD. IF you want to have an expression of the forecast time, see example 4''''. You have to modify the example for awk to process the forecast hour to see if it is a multiple of 6. 74) The fnl grib2 file use to have 322 records and now has 352 records. How do I filter out the new records? This trick came from NCO. Create a table of fields to keep. Must not include date code, byte location or records number without forecast time $ wgrib2 OLD.grb | cut -f4-5 -d: >field.table with forecast time $ wgrib2 OLD.grb | cut -f4-6 -d: >field.table Now to filter $ wgrib2 NEW.grb | grep -f field.table | wgrib2 NEW.grb -i -grib NEW_FILTERED.grb The -i option say to read the inventory from stdin, and use it to control processing.