GCTPC is a software library for geolocation written by the USGS gctpc adds: (1) support for ellipsoidal models of the earth (2) support for new projections (3) transformations: (lat,lon) -> (X, Y) (X, Y) -> (lat, lon) (1) is necessary as grid approach 1 km. (3) is necessary if you want to replace the grib1-centric IPOLATES library (limited to spherical earth, 0.001 degrees lat/lon precision) location: http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/software/gctpc/ (no longer available from this location) status: public domain Changes of the source code as distributed by USGS. Fixed formats Orion Poplawski 9/2013 Set files pointers to NULL Orion Poplawski 9/2013 fixed name collisions sincos() and sign() Wesley Ebisuzaki 9/2013 added makefile Wesley Ebisuzaki 2012 note: stplnfor and stplninv (state plate) which is not used has a problem result gctpc20.tar.Z -> gctpc20a.tgz