Using wgrib2 to process space-perspective EUMETSAT grib2 fields revised 9.2017 9/2017: Bugs found in space view perspective code when the satellite is not at 0N OE. Fixed in wgrib2 2.0.7. Space view perspective is limited to 0N XX-E- (Original testing only had satellite at 0N OE.) Some of the EUMETSAT data is on a space view perspective grid. -sh-3.00$ wgrib2 LMPEF_CLM_110328_0945.grib2 -grid 1:0:grid_template=90:winds(N/S): Space view perspective or orographic grid (3712 x 3712) units 1e-06 input EW:SN output WE:SN res 0 sub-sat point: lat 0.000000 lon 0.000000 ix=1856.000000 iy=1856.000000 diameter of earth dx=3622 dy=3610 grid cells ori_angle 0.000000 sat. altitude=6.610700 (equatorial radii) grid_origin Xo=0 Yo=0 wgrib2 has support for space view perspective grids with the restriction that the sub-sat point have a latitude of 0. The rest of the text assumes that you have a space view perspective file. 0. Getting the value at a specific point bash-4.1$ wgrib2 LMPEF_CLM_110328_0945.grib2.c0 -S 1:0:D=20110328094500:CLOUDM:no_level:anl: bash-4.1$ wgrib2 LMPEF_CLM_110328_0945.grib2.c0 -lon 10 20 ALPHA: experimental space_view2ll scan=12 ALPHA: experimental space_view2ij 1:0:lon=9.989726,lat=20.003905,val=1 note: use -S otherwise wgrib2 will use a YYYYMMDDHH date code format and then may complain that the minutes/seconds are non-zero 1. IIRATE has undefined, not zeros I have a file of IIRATE (instantaneous rain rate), and the values are either > 0 or undefined. Maybe the values are undefined because of algorithm limitations but for display, I wanted to have the undefineds replaced by zero. This is easily done by the -rpn option wgrib2 IN.grb -rpn "0:exc:merge" -grib_out OUT.grb 2. PDT 30 is not supported by GrADS My version of GrADS does not support product definition template 30 (PDT 30), so you need to convert it to a supported PDT. You can convert the PDT to zero by. wgrib2 IN.grb -set_pdt +0 -grib_out OUT.grb 3. No level or forecast time PDT 0 has metadata for level and forecast time. They can be added by wgrib2 IN.grb -set_lev surface -set_ftime anl -grib OUT.grb 1-3. Update space view perspective file. Steps 1-3 can be combined into one by In this example, the 1st grib message is space view perspective wgrib2 IN.grb -d 1 -rpn "0:exc:merge" -set_pdt +0 -set_lev surface -set_ftime anl -grib_out final_svp.grb 4. Convert to a lat-lon grid GrADS does not understand space view perspecive grid, you need to convert it to a lat-lon grid. wgrib2 final_svp.grb -lola 0:3600:.1 -90:1801:.1 latlon.grb grib 5. Make a GrADS control and index file g2ctl latlon.grb >latlon.ctl gribmap -i new.ctl