Contents: perl script that reads the 1st grib message returns the grid definition that works with the wgrib2's -new_grid option to convert winds to earth relative wgrib2 IN.grb -set_grib_type same -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid ` IN.grb` OUT.grb v0.2 2/2014 v0.3 5/2018 adds rot-ll Compares two grib files. Should have the records in the same order! only show fields with correlatin < 1 Compares two grib files. Should have the records in the same order! only show fields with correlatin < 0.999 5/2018L initial version Makes a fast average from multiple analyses for forecasts from multiple analyses. The script reads each file one time in sequential order. In addtion, the reads and the processing are done in different processes, so everything runs quite quickly. Based on web page