c c sample program to read binary file in fortran c this may or may not work! (system dependent) c often works with UNIX fortrans c real array(192,94) character*1 line(192) call assign("assign -R") call assign("assign -Fnull u:1") write(*,*) 'should first run wgrib -d 1 -nh land.grb' open(unit=1,file='dump',form='unformatted',status='old') read(1) array err=1e-6 do 100 j = 1, 94 do 90 i = 1, 192 if (array(i,j).eq.0.0) then line(i) = ' ' else if (abs(array(i,j)-1.0).lt.err) then line(i) = 'x' else write(*,*) 'bad values:',array(i,j) stop endif 90 continue if (mod(j,3).eq.0) write(*,*) (line(i),i=1,192,3) 100 continue write(*,*) 'should see continents' stop end