PTEND (Pressure Tendency) ----- --------- --------- Parts of the full reanalysis archive contain the pressure tendency (PTEND). The term was dropped for the following reasons. PTEND is dP(surface)/dt at the analysis time and has NOT been averaged over a time interval. The average meteorologist considers the pressure tendency to be the pressure change over perhaps a 1 or 6 hour interval. On the other hand, a physicist measuring the instantaneous dP/dt would measure the effects of sound and gravity waves as well as the 6-hour trend. Since PTEND was based on dPsfc/dt at the analysis time, it was influenced by high frequency noise like gravity waves (from the initialization?). PTEND was simply not what meteorologists expect. In a sample month, the average PTEND was ~30 mb/day in some places. Obviously dP/dt at t=0 is not a great measure of dP/dt averaged over a finite amount of time. The instantaneous values of dP/dt can be quite large especially in the small scales which may be slightly out of "balance". There has been the suggestion that PTEND was not calculated optimally. (Since PTEND is not used by the model, it has not undergone much examination.)