Complete Reanalysis Archive -------- ---------- ------- This CD-ROM contains only a small subset of the analyses produced by the Reanalysis Project. Much effort was spent in deciding which fields would be included on the CD-ROM; however, we realize that many research projects will require data that is not included on this CD-ROM. The major components of the full archive are: sigma level data analysis, first guess high precision which is often needed for budgets pressure level data analysis, first guess isentropic level data analysis 3-D flux data (3 dimensional heating, and dissipation) 6 hour average (very model dependent) various other fields ex. latent heat flux, rainfall, cloud forcing All the above data are available with a 6-hour sampling frequency. The official archive sites are the National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder Colorado), and the National Climatic Data Center (Asheville, North Carolina). The data may also be found are other places. The full reanalysis archive can be obtained from: (1) Nat. Center for Atmos. Research, Boulder Colorado (2) Nat. Climatic Data Center, Asheville North Carolina (3) NOAA/CDC (Climate Diagnostics Center), Boulder Colorado You may notice that NCEP is not on the above list. NCEP is not a distribution site because that job, as defined by statute, belongs to NCDC. Of course, NCEP has a copy of the data for internal uses/users.