function main(args) * public domain 5/2021 Wesley Ebisuzaki * * calculate 1991-2020 climatology * calculate anomaly * * The data needs to be monthly means * * usage: (anomaly) (grads expression) * * example 1: u ugrdprs * * example 2: set lat 0 * set lon 0 * set time 1 last * set lev 50 * anom uqbo aave(ugrdprs,lon=0,lon=360,lat=-10,lat=10( * * output: (anomaly) is anomaly from 1991-2020 climatology * clim is 1991-2020 climatology * * if anomaly is '' or "", only the climatolgy is computed * * requires: GrADS * anom=subwrd(args,1) gexpr=subwrd(args,2) if (anom = "''" | anom = '""') say 'computes: clim = 1991-2020 climatology' else say 'computes: ' anom '=anomaly('gexpr')' say ' clim = 1991-2020 climatology' endif * Get the time environment 'q dim' diminfo = result line5 = sublin(diminfo,5) if (subwrd(line5,3) = 'fixed') time1 = subwrd(line5,9) time2 = '' else time1 = subwrd(line5,11) time2 = subwrd(line5,13) endif * calculate climo 'set time jan1991 dec1991' 'define clim=ave('gexpr',t+0,time=dec2020,+12)' 'modify clim seasonal' * restore time environment 'set t ' time1 ' ' time2 * define anomaly if (anom = "''" | anom = '""') say 'only clim computed' else say 'compute clim and ' anom 'define 'anom'='gexpr'-clim' endif exit 0