To compile: Need the following commands to be installed gcc gnu C compiler gfortran gnu Fortran compiler make gnu make various sh utilies The includeemakefile/code is for the linux environment. To compile type $ tar -xzf gfsnemsio2grb.tgz $ cd gfsnesmsio2grb $ make makefile:43: *** ERROR, get wgrib2 source by "wget". Stop. The gfsnemsio2grb distribution does not include a copy of wgrib2. You can download the wgrib2 code as suggested by the error message. $ wget This will retrieve a copy of wgrib2.tgz. Now to continue the make by $ make If all goes well, you will find the executable in bin/gfsnemsio2grb $ cp bin/gfsnesmio2grb (directory on your path) You will find the documentation for the code at