Instructions For the benefit of SPA: With the help of the JSUB scripts in the developer JOBS directory SPA should be able to run the jobs. ----------------------------------------- Model cpci: Version:v1.5.0 For an out of the box run 1. Goto "ecf_developer" directory 2. Take the help of the (5) job files in the developer JOBS directory: jcpci_gdas.ecf jcpci_gefs.ecf jcpci_gfs.ecf jcpci_gefs_boxw_py.ecf jcpci_gfs_skewt_py.ecf 3. Preparei your top-level (ecf directory) script files accordingly 4. submit your job(s) ex: qsub jcpci_gfs.ecf etc. 5. Check for output files (number) (in your appropriate $COMOUT directory) ls $COMOUT | wc A quick verification of successful run(s): Number of gif/png files: GFS:24442gifs GDAS:1166gifs GEFS:5280gifs GEFS_BOXW:2636pngs GFS_SKEWT:3857pngs In the respective $COMOUT directory, please try the following commands: GFS SPATIAL MAPS $ ls gfs*.gif | wc 24442 24442 1183945 GEFS SPATIAL MAPS $ ls gefs*.gif | wc 5280 5280 325552 GDAS SPATIAL MAPS $ ls gdas*.gif | wc 1166 1166 57471 GEFS EPS GRAMS (BOXW) $ ls *.png | wc 2636 2636 113505 GFS SKEWT PLOTS $ ls *.png | wc 3857 3857 101824 --------------------------------------------------------------------- General Notes About Changes: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Implementation of version v1.5.0 on wcoss2 (upgrade from v1.4.2) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. fixed the bug in the exec script - created 7 separate directories DIR_precip_24h_1 ... DIR_precip_24h_7 - avoiding clobbering 2. modified code to facilitate restart capability. Created "restart" directory and created the same sub directory structure with fix, developer_ecf, jobs, scripts and ush as the parent directory. a. In the directory restart run sets the regions list in the fix directory under ecf_developery b. resubmit the PBS job from the ecf_developer directory under the restart directory. This writes output to $comout, creates tar file for dissemination. 3. Two new python based applications Added components for 2 additional class of products related to GEFS EPS GRAMS (BOXW) and GFS SKEWT PLOTS for each of JSUB, excpci and ush while no changes made under fix directory - both of these are python based applications -------------------------------------------------------------------- output sizes o_cpci.gefs.boxw ##Run job on one node with total of 4 processes #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=8GB execution begins Fri Jun 2 13:32:19 UTC 2023 execution ends Fri Jun 2 13:46:42 UTC 2023 20 minutes approx $comout 253MB o_cpci_gfs_skewt ##Run job on one node with total of 29 processes #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=29:mem=40GB execution begins Fri Jun 2 13:32:28 UTC 2023 execution ends Fri Jun 2 13:43:58 UTC 2023 15 minutes approx $comout 775MB o_cpci_gdas ##Run job on one node with total of 53 processes #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=53:mem=20GB execution begins Fri Jun 2 14:09:17 UTC 2023 execution ends Fri Jun 2 14:30:07 UTC 2023 25 minutes approx inp 1221MB $comout 78MB o_cpci_gefs ##Run job on one node with total of 180 processes #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=90:mem=30GB execution begins Fri Jun 2 14:09:30 UTC 2023 execution ends Fri Jun 2 14:38:54 UTC 2023 35 minutes approx inp 58679MB $comout 229MB o_cpci_gfs ##Run job on one node with total of 264 processes #PBS -l select=3:ncpus=90:mem=20GB execution begins Fri Jun 2 14:09:41 UTC 2023 execution ends Fri Jun 2 16:01:19 UTC 2023 2hours approx inp 58247MB $comout 1636MB Pleae contact me via email at, if you have any questions.