This is a notice to instruct CMORPH data users that both data distribution locations and data format will transition and old formats/locations terminated. Here are some important dates. Currently: Data flow into the new locations (.i.e. /precip/CMORPH_V0.x/RAW) began. April 13 2017: Data flow into the old locations (.i.e. /precip/global_CMORPH) cease. DATA LOCATION CHANGES OLD /precip/global_CMORPH/3-hourly_025deg NEW /precip/CMORPH_V0.x/RAW/0.25deg-3HLY/YYYY/YYYYMM OLD /precip/global_CMORPH/daily_025deg NEW /precip/CMORPH_V0.x/RAW/0.25deg-DLY_00Z/YYYY/YYYYMM OLD /precip/global_CMORPH/30min_8km NEW /precip/CMORPH_V0.x/RAW/8km-30min/YYYY/YYYYMM OLD /precip/global_CMORPH/30min_025deg NEW /precip/CMORPH_V0.x/RAW/30min_025deg/YYYY/YYYYMM DATA FORMAT CHANGES For all data sets: 1. Data will now be oriented from south to north, not north to south (as in the /precip/global_CMORPH version) For the 8km 30 minute data set: 1. Data will now be in real*4 little endian binary, not char*1 and no longer scaled (previously by 0.2) 2. Data will no longer contain timestamp and satellite ID, just the CMORPH in mm/hr (not scaled) For all other data sets: 1. Data will be in real*4 little endian binary, not big endian binary (as in the /precip/global_CMORPH version)