These data were developed at CICS/ESSIC. This file briefly describes the analysis and tells how to read the data. Questions or comments about the data should be addressed to Constructive feedback about the analysis, its uses and limitations, and suggestions for improvements are also welcome. Data: historical reconstructed precipitation anomalies. Merged analyses are used to produce the data. The EOF-based reconstruction is used over land. Over oceans the EOF-based reconstruction is bias adjusted so that its multi-decadal signal matched the CCA-based reconstruction multi-decadal signal. The anomalies are recentered so that their average is zero for the 1981-1990 base period. File: recg.bias.adj.blend.ascii.dat Grid: 5-deg latitude by longitude. The 72 longitudes are centered on 2.5E (i=1) to 357.5E (i=72). The 36 latitudes are centered on 87.5S (j=1) to 87.5N (j=36). The polar latitudes are not analyzed and are filled with special values (-99999) to mark them. Data are written as integers. To extract the data and convert the values to mm/mon, use the following code: c 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 parameter(im=72,jm=36,iyr1=1900,iyr2=2008) real a2(im,jm) integer ia2(jm) c c* Open the input data file. open(21,file='recg.bias.adj.blend.ascii.dat') c c* Convert the real numbers to ascii text to real numbers (mm/mon). do iy=iyr1,iyr2 do mon=1,12 c* Read in the year and month for each month in the record. read(21,90) iyr,monr c* Read in the data as ascii mm/mon x 100 and convert to real mm/mon. c* Regions with no data at high latitudes are marked -99999 in ascii, c* and converted to -999.99 in real numbers. do i=1,im read(21,91) (ia2(j),j=1,jm) do j=1,jm a2(i,j)=real(ia2(j))/100.0 end do end do c* Data are now in array a2(i,j). c* End loop over months. end do c* End loop over years. end do c stop 90 format(2i7) 91 format(36i7) end