subroutine in_out_boundaries(xin,yin,nii,nji, $ xout,yout,nio,njo,cyclicxi, $ niip1,njip1,niop1,njop1, $ iunit_diag, $ gxout,gyout) C C Purpose: C C calculate the location of grid box boundaries of C an "output" grid w.r.t. an "input" grid C C used in a 2-D regriding process, i.e., C input --> output C C Input variables: C C xin - longitudes of the input grid C yin - latitudes of the input grid C xout - longtitudes of the output grid C yout - latitudes of the output grid C C cyclicxi - flag whether the input grid is cyclically continuous C in x C C nii - size of the x dimension of the input grid C nji - size of the y dimension of the input grid C nio - size of the x dimension of the output grid C njo - size of the y dimension of the output grid C C niip1= nii+1, etc. C C iunit_diag - unit number to write diagnositics C C Output variables: C C gxout - x location of the output grid in input grid units C gyout - y location of the output grid in input grid units C dimension xin(*),yin(*),xout(*),yout(*), $ gxout(*),gyout(*) logical cyclicxi C C locate the output grid w.r.t. input grid in x C ALLOW FOR CYCLIC CONTINUITY IN X!! C ibeg=1 iend=niip1 do i=1,niop1 x0=xout(i) do ii=ibeg,iend C C point is before start of input grid C x1=xin(ii) x2=xin(niop1) if( then if(cyclicxi) then ic=nii do while( x2=x1 x1=xin(ic)-360.0 ic=ic-1 enddo dx0=(x0-x1)/(x2-x1) gxout(i)=float(ic)+dx0 else gxout(i)=0.0 endif ibeg=1 go to 50 C C point is within the input grid C else if( then x2=xin(ii+1) cccc write(iunit_diag,*) ibeg,i,ii,x0,x1,x2 if( then dx0=(x0-x1)/(x2-x1) gxout(i)=float(ii-1)+dx0 ibeg=ii go to 50 endif C C point is beyond input grid C else if( then ic=2 if(cyclicxi) then x1=xin(niip1) x2=xin(ic)+360.0 cccc write(iunit_diag,*) 'after',i,ic,x0,x1,x2 do while( ic=ic+1 x1=x2 x2=xin(ic)+360.0 end do dx0=(x0-x1)/(x2-x1) gxout(i)=float(ic-2)+dx0 else gxout(i)=float(nii) endif ibeg=niip1 go to 50 endif end do 50 continue end do C C locate the output grid w.r.t. input grid in y C NO CYCLIC CONTINUITY!! C jbeg=1 jend=njip1 do j=1,njop1 y0=yout(j) do jj=jbeg,jend C C point is before start of input grid C y1=yin(jj) if( then gyout(j)=0.0 jbeg=1 cccc write(iunit_diag,*) 'before y ',j,jj,gyout(j) go to 60 C C point is within the input grid C else if( then y2=yin(jj+1) cccc write(iunit_diag,*) 'jbeg... ',jbeg,j,jj,y0,y1,y2 if( then dy0=(y0-y1)/(y2-y1) gyout(j)=float(jj-1)+dy0 jbeg=jj go to 60 endif C C point is beyond input grid C else if( then gyout(j)=float(nji) jbeg=njip1 cccc write(iunit_diag,*) 'after y ',j,jj,gyout(j) go to 60 endif end do 60 continue end do return end