real wvcor(7), anom0(7), ucor(7) * I change the order of channel according to GPROF * ad hoc baseline values of ln(ta - tb) * These should be adjusted to eliminate biases at low WV amd low * wind speed * V,H order * data anom0 / 4.844, 5.333, 4.745, 5.283, * & 4.745, 4.511, 5.124, 4.143, 4.905 / * H,V order * data anom0 / 5.333, 4.844, 5.283, 4.745, * & 4.745, 5.124, 4.511, 4.905, 4.143 / * H,V order removed 10 data anom0 / 5.283, 4.745, & 4.600, 5.124, 4.511, 4.905, 4.143 / * empirically derived sensitivities to water vapor. These values * are probably OK, but if necessary, they may be adjusted to eliminate * biases at high water vapor * V,H order * data wvcor /-1.642e-3, -9.049e-4, -7.112e-3, -6.396e-3, * & -0.01577, -5.691e-3, -5.404e-3, -0.02540, -0.02324 / * H,V order * data wvcor /-9.049e-4, -1.642e-3, -6.396e-3, -7.112e-3, * & -0.01577, -5.404e-3, -5.691e-3, -0.02324, -0.02540 / * H,V order removed 10 data wvcor /-6.396e-3, -7.112e-3, & -0.01577, -5.404e-3, -5.691e-3, -0.02324, -0.02540 / * ad hoc sensitivities to wind speed. These should be adjusted empirically * in order to eliminate biases in TB_clear in high windspeed areas * V,H order * data ucor / 0.0, 4.845e-3, 0.0, 5.087e-3, 0.0, 0.0, 5.97e-3, 0.0, 7.439e-3/ * H,V order * data ucor /4.845e-3,0.0,5.087e-3,0.0,0.0,5.97e-3,0.0,7.439e-3,0.0/ * H,V order removed 10 data ucor /5.087e-3,0.0,0.0,5.97e-3,0.0,7.439e-3,0.0/ real ta integer indexs data ta /285.0/ data indexs /2/ ! 2=completed pixel real rminwv,rmaxwv,rminu,rmaxu data rminwv,rmaxwv /0., 70./ data rminu,rmaxu / 0., 20./ * ista1: wv and u are both okay * ista2: wv is okay, but no calculations on u due to contamination. * ista3: no calculations for both wv and u due to contamination. integer ista1,ista2,ista3,ista_ave data ista1,ista2,ista3 /0, -10, -51/ data ista_ave /2/