parameter(nx=720, ny=360, nday=365) c change nday to 366 for leap years dimension tmax(nx,ny,nday),nmax(nx,ny,nday) dimension tmin(nx,ny,nday),nmin(nx,ny,nday) c open(10, &file='CPC_GLOBAL_T_V0.x_0.5deg.lnx.2017', &access='direct',recl=nx*ny*4) c do k=1,nday read(10,rec=(k-1)*4+1)((tmax(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) read(10,rec=(k-1)*4+2)((nmax(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) read(10,rec=(k-1)*4+3)((tmin(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) read(10,rec=(k-1)*4+4)((nmin(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) end do c print *, tmax(500,250,1),nmax(500,250,1),tmin(500,250,1) print *, tmax(500,250,365),nmax(500,250,365),tmin(500,250,365) cccc The above two lines are for testing whether you read the data cccc correctly. If you do, the execution of this code should return cccc the following: cccc 7.3407798 0 -0.36301246 cccc 18.751909 0 -5.0757303 cccc Nore: the above values are for year 2017 only stop end