BASS Blended Analysis of sea Surface Salinity Version 0.x 1. Data File Name BASS_V0.X_DLY_1DEG.lnx.RYYYY 2. Contents analyses of 5-day mean SSS anomaly and estimated error (psu) on a 1 degree latitude / longitude grid over the global ocean Anomaly is defined relative to the monthly SSS climatology of Levitus (1994) 3. File structure The data file is a direct access binary data file. The data is arranged in the order of day of the year. The data for each day (5-day mean) is composed of two global fields, the first for the analyzed SSS anomaly (psu) and the second for the estimated error for the SSS anomaly (psu). Each globe field is an array of 360 elemets in east-west direction and 180 lines in south and north direction. The global array starts from the 1deg lat/lon grid box at the south-west corner centering at (0.5deg E; 89.5deg S). The global array goes first from west to east, so that the second element in the array is the data at the grid box centering at (1.5deg E; 89.5deg S). Once covering all 360 elements in the south-most line, the array continues into the second line, so that the 361st element in the array is the data for the grid box centering at (0.5deg E, 88.5deg S) Each data is a 4-byte floadting number written in little endian byte order (the byte order used by all linux based work station). YOU NEED TO SWAP THE BYTE ORDER TO BIG ENDIAN IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH A SUPER COMPUTER. Missing code is -999.0. The size of the data file is therefore 4 byte (each number ) x 360 (elements in E-W direction) x 180 (lines in S-N direction) x 2 (fields, anomaly and error) x 365/366 (days in a year) = 189216000/189734400 bytes 4. Sample fortran program to read the data file program : teatread.lnx.f objective : to test read the BASS salinity data c parameter ( nx = 360, ny = 180, ndays = 365/366 ) c dimension sss (nx,ny), err (nx,ny) c c 1. to open the data file c open (unit=10, # file='BASS_V0.X_DLY_1DEG.lnx.RYYYY', # access='direct', recl=nx*ny*4) c c 2. to read the data c do 2001 kmm = 1, ndays kinp1 = (kmm-1)*2 + 1 kinp2 = kmm*2 read (10,rec=kinp1) sss read (10,rec=kinp2) err write (6,*) 'finished reading data :', kmm, sss (180,90), err (180,90) 2001 continue c c stop end 5. Point of Contact Pingping Xie NOAA Climate Prediction Center 5830 University Research Court, #3003 College Park, MD 20740 E-Mail: Tel: 301-683-3388