Monthly Analysis of Global Land Precipitation from 1948 to the Present (PREC/L) 1. filename precl_mon_v1.0.txt.yyyy ( yyyy = 1948 - 2002 ) 2. description of the data 1) content: kyr == year ( 1948 - 2002 ) kmn == month (1 - 12) rlat == latitude (-88.75 --> 88.75) rlon == longitude (eastward from 1.25 E) rain == monthly precipitation based on gauge observations from GHCN version 2B and CAMS in (0.1 mm/day) (e.g. 234.0 is 23.4 mm/day); gauge_num == number of gauges in the grid box; 2) coverage: -88.75S -- 88.75N; 1.25E -> Eastward -> 1.25W 3) resolution: 2.5 deg lat x 2.5 deg lon monthly 4) missing values -999.0 3. example program c program : example.f c objective : to read the PREC/L data for 1948 c dimension rain(144,72),gauge_num(144,72) c c 1. to open the data file c open (unit=10,file='precl_mon_v1.0.txt.1948', # access='sequential',status='old',form='formatted') c c 2. to read the data c do 2001 kmon=1,12 do 2001 jj=1,72 do 2001 ii=1,144 read (10,2901) kyr,kmn,rlat,rlon, # rain(ii,jj),gauge_num(ii,jj) 2001 continue 2901 format (2i4,2f8.2,2f8.2) c stop end