c program : example c projective : to read the monthly gauge analysis data c for 1948 c dimension rain(720,360),gauge_num(720,360) c c 1. to open the data file c open (unit=10,file='precl_mon_v1.0.lnx.2002.gri0.5m', # access='direct',status='old', # recl=720*360*4) c c 2. to read the data c do 2001 kmon = 1, 12 kinp = (kmon-1)*2 + 1 read (10,rec=kinp) rain kinp = (kmon-1)*2 + 2 read (10,rec=kinp) gauge_num print *,rain(540,260),gauge_num(540,260) 2001 continue c stop end c