program regrid ccc parameter(nimax=642,njmax=320,n1max=nimax*2) ccc parameter(nimax=751,njmax=801,n1max=nimax*2) parameter(nimax=10000,njmax=5000,n1max=nimax*2) real vals(20),ovals(20),args(8) dimension xin(n1max),yin(n1max),xout(n1max),yout(n1max) dimension gxout(n1max),gyout(n1max) dimension dumx(n1max) dimension incard(80) dimension fld_in(nimax,njmax),area_in(nimax,njmax), $ fld_out(nimax,njmax),dum1(nimax,njmax) character card*80,qtitle*24,regrid_method*40 character incard*1 logical cyclicxi,wrapxi, $ diag_out,vote,bessel, $ npole_point,spole_point equivalence (incard(1),card) C C gfi - input file to the program with the GrADS data object C C gfo - output file to be read by GrADS C iunit_in=8 iunit_out=10 iunit_diag=12 open (iunit_in,file='udf.regrid.gfi',status='unknown', $ form='unformatted',err=810) open (iunit_out,file='udf.regrid.gfo',status='unknown', $ form='unformatted') open (iunit_diag,file='udf.regrid.out', $ form='formatted',status='unknown') C C constants C pi=3.141592654 deg2rad=pi/180.0 rad2deg=180.0/pi C C defaults C diag_out=.false. cc diag_out=.true. C C user defined beginning lat/lon C rlatbeg_set=-999.0 rlonbeg_set=-999.0 C C pole points C spole_point=.false. spole_point=.false. C C the first record contains number of args C and other parameters for future implementations C read (iunit_in) vals nargs=nint(vals(1)) write(iunit_diag,*) 'number of arguments = ',nargs C C stop if only one argument C if(nargs.le.1) then write(*,12) 12 format(' ',/ $ /' ','regrid requires 2 or more arguements:', $ /' ',' ') go to 999 endif C C the second record is the field ("expr" in the user defined C function table) and has is input using four reads C C grid record 1 C read(iunit_in,err=820) vals C C grid parameters C undef=vals(1) itype=nint(vals(2)) jtype=nint(vals(3)) nii=nint(vals(4)) nji=nint(vals(5)) ilineari=nint(vals(6)) jlineari=nint(vals(7)) xbeg=vals(8) write(*,*) 'itype=',itype write(*,*) 'jtype=',jtype write(*,*) 'nii=',nii write(*,*) 'nji=',nji write(*,*) 'ilineari=',ilineari write(*,*) 'jlineari=',jlineari write(*,*) 'xbeg=',xbeg C C check the input grid type C C abort if not 2-d x,y C if( go to 830 C C get grid increments if uniform C if(ilineari.eq.1) then dx=vals(9) else dx=-999 endif ybeg=vals(10) if(jlineari.eq.1) then dy=vals(11) else dy=-999 endif C C only get time values if a one of the dimensions is time C if(itype.eq.3.or.jtype.eq.3) then yrbeg=vals(12) mobeg=vals(13) dabeg=vals(14) hrbeg=vals(15) mnbeg=vals(16) dmn=vals(17) dmo=vals(18) endif C write(iunit_diag,102) undef,itype,jtype,nii,nji, $ ilineari,jlineari,xbeg,dx,ybeg,dy 102 format(' ', $ /,10x,' undefined value = ',e13.5, $ /,10x,' x dimension type = ',i3, $ /,10x,' y dimension type = ',i3, $ /,10x,' x dimension size = ',i5, $ /,10x,' y dimension size = ',i5, $ /,10x,' uniform grid spacing in x ? ',i2, $ /,10x,' uniform grid spacing in y ? ',i2, $ /,10x,' x world coor beginning = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' dx = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' y world coor beginning = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' dy = ',g12.4) if(itype.eq.3.or.jtype.eq.3) then write(iunit_diag,104) $ yrbeg,mobeg,dabeg,hrbeg,mnbeg,dmn,dmo 104 format(' ', $ /,10x,' year start = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' month start = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' day start = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' hour start = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' minute start = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' minute increment = ',g12.4, $ /,10x,' month increment = ',g12.4) endif C C grid record #2 the data C call read_grid(iunit_in,fld_in,nii,nji,istat) if( go to 820 qtitle='input field from GrADS ' call qprntu(fld_in,qtitle,undef,1,1,nii,nji,4,iunit_diag) C C grid record #3 and 4 -- grid-to-world coordinate maps C of the input grid C read(iunit_in,err=820) (xin(i),i=1,nii) write(iunit_diag,*) (xin(i),i=1,nii) read(iunit_in,err=820) (yin(j),j=1,nji) write(iunit_diag,*) (yin(j),j=1,nji) C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C input grid parameters C check for cyclic continuity in x C C------------------------------------------------------------ C cyclicxi=.false. wrapxi=.false. C C make sure the x dimension is longitude and is uniform C if(itype.eq.0.and.ilineari.eq.1) then xlen=(nii-1)*dx if( then wrapxi=.true. cyclicxi=.true. niifix=360.0/dx xlen=360.0 endif xlen=nii*dx if(xlen.eq.360.0) then wrapxi=.false. cyclicxi=.true. endif endif write(iunit_diag,*) 'cyclicxi: ',cyclicxi,wrapxi C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C if wrapped in x, then trim the grid C C dump the input data into a dummy array C and then load the trimmed grid into the original field array C C------------------------------------------------------------ C if(wrapxi) then call vload2(dum1,fld_in,nii,nji) call trim_grid(dum1,nii,niifix,nji,fld_in) C C set the input size to the new trimmed x dimension C nii=niifix endif C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C set up the input grid C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C boundaries of input grid boxes C rlonbegi=xin(1) rlonendi=xin(nii) if(cyclicxi) rlonedi=xin(1)+360.0 rlatbegi=yin(1) rlatendi=yin(nji) niip1=nii+1 njip1=nji+1 C C x in C do i=2,nii dumx(i)=0.5*(xin(i-1)+xin(i)) end do dumx(1)=xin(1)-0.5*(xin(2)-xin(1)) dumx(niip1)=xin(nii)+0.5*(xin(nii)-xin(nii-1)) do i=1,niip1 xin(i)=dumx(i) end do C C y in C do j=2,nji dumx(j)=0.5*(yin(j-1)+yin(j)) end do dumx(1)=yin(1)-0.5*(yin(2)-yin(1)) dumx(njip1)=yin(nji)+0.5*(yin(nji)-yin(nji-1)) C C make sure the input grid does not extend beyond the poles C do j=1,njip1 yin(j)=dumx(j) if(yin(j).lt.-90.0) yin(j)=-90.0 if(yin(j).gt.90.0) yin(j)=90.0 end do write(iunit_diag,*) 'input grid x boundaries' write(iunit_diag,*) (xin(i),i=1,niip1) write(iunit_diag,*) 'input grid y boundaries' write(iunit_diag,*) (yin(j),j=1,njip1) C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C read arguments after the grid C C------------------------------------------------------------ C nargs=nargs-1 do i=1,nargs read (iunit_in,err=832) args(i) end do C C if one argument, then assume uniform lat lon with equal dx C if(nargs.eq.1) then iout_grid_type=1 iregrid_method=1 dxout=args(1) dyout=args(1) C C if two arguments, dx=dy and the second selects regrid method C else if(nargs.eq.2) then iout_grid_type=1 iregrid_method=1 dxout=args(1) dyout=dxout iregrid_type=nint(args(2)) C C method C bessel=.false. vote=.false. C C check for valid type C if( go to 836 if(iregrid_type.eq.1.or.iregrid_type.eq.11) then iregrid_method=1 else if(iregrid_type.eq.2.or.iregrid_type.eq.12) then iregrid_method=1 vote=.true. else if(iregrid_type.eq.3.or.iregrid_type.eq.13) then iregrid_method=2 else if(iregrid_type.eq.4.or.iregrid_type.eq.14) then iregrid_method=2 bessel=.true. end if C C three or more arguments C else if( then C C the third argument indicates the type of interpolation C and output grid C C 1 - box ave - uniform lat/lon C 2 - vote box ave ; uniform lat/lon C 3 - bilinear interpolation ; uniform lat/lon C 4 - bessel interpolation ; uniform lat/lon C C 11 - box ave ; gaussian grid C 12 - vote box ave ; gaussian C 13 - bilinear interp ; gaussian C 14 - bessel interp ; gaussian C iregrid_type=nint(args(3)) C C check for valid type C if( $ ( go to 836 if(iregrid_type.le.10) then dxout=args(1) dyout=args(2) ilinearo=1 jlinearo=1 iout_grid_type=1 else if(iregrid_type.le.20) then niog=nint(args(1)) njog=nint(args(2)) nwaves=niog/3-1 C C calculate the gaussian latitudes and C the grid spacing for the gaussian longitudes C call gauss_lat_nmc(dumx,njog) ilinearo=0 jlinearo=0 dxout=360.0/float(niog) dyoutg=180.0/float(njog) iout_grid_type=2 endif C C method C bessel=.false. vote=.false. if(iregrid_type.eq.1.or.iregrid_type.eq.11) then iregrid_method=1 else if(iregrid_type.eq.2.or.iregrid_type.eq.12) then iregrid_method=1 vote=.true. else if(iregrid_type.eq.3.or.iregrid_type.eq.13) then iregrid_method=2 else if(iregrid_type.eq.4.or.iregrid_type.eq.14) then iregrid_method=2 bessel=.true. end if if(vote) then C C voting defaults -- C 50% of grid box must be covered regardless of the number C of candidates C rmin_vote_max=0.5 rmin_vote_min=0.5 endif endif C C SPECIAL OPTIONS C C case 1 - voting options C case 2 - user defined beginning lat/lon C if( then C C voting C if(vote) then if (nargs.eq.4) then C C min and max limits are identical C if(args(4).lt.0.0.and.args(4).gt.1.0) then go to 840 else rmin_vote_max=args(4) rmin_vote_min=args(4) endif else if( then C C different limits C if(args(4).lt.0.0.or.args(4).gt.1.0.or. $ args(5).lt.0.0.or.args(5).gt.1.0) then go to 840 else rmin_vote_max=args(4) rmin_vote_min=args(5) endif C C set the lat lon bounds with the args 6 and 7 C if voting is being controlled C if( then if( then dxout=abs(dxout) rlonbeg_set=args(6) endif if( then dyout=abs(dyout) rlatbeg_set=args(7) endif endif endif C C overide of lat/lon bound setting for uniform lat/lon C output grids C else if(iregrid_type.le.10) then if( then if( then dxout=abs(dxout) rlonbeg_set=args(4) endif if( then dyout=abs(dyout) rlatbeg_set=args(5) endif else C C dlon/dlat greater than 0.0, poorly formed user-defined C beginning lat/lon point C go to 842 endif C C too many arguments ; abort C else go to 838 endif endif C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C set up the output grid based on the arguments C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C iout_grid_type 1 - uniform lat/lon in both directions C if(iout_grid_type.eq.1) then rlonbego=ifix(rlonbegi/dxout)*dxout rlonendo=ifix(rlonendi/dxout)*dxout if(cyclicxi) rlonendo=rlonbego+(360.0-dxout) rlatbego=ifix(rlatbegi/dyout)*dyout rlatendo=ifix(rlatendi/dyout)*dyout C C check for a global input gaussian grid C yleni=yin(njip1)-yin(1) if( then rlatbego=-90.0 rlatendo=90.0 endif nio=nint((rlonendo-rlonbego)/dxout)+1 njo=nint((rlatendo-rlatbego)/dyout)+1 C C make sure we have at least a 2x2 output grid C if( then nio=2 rlonendo=rlonbego+2.0*dxout endif if( then njo=2 rlatendo=rlonbego+2.0*dyout endif C C user defined beginning longitude C if( then rlonbego=rlonbeg_set C C cylic continuity check C if(cyclicxi) then nio=nint(360.0/dxout) else nio=nint((rlonendi-rlonbego)/dxout)+1 endif if( nio=2 rlonendo=rlonbego+(nio-1)*dxout endif if( then rlatbego=rlatbeg_set njo=nint((rlatendi-rlatbego)/dyout)+1 if( njo=2 rlatendo=rlatbego+(njo-1)*dyout C C bounds check C if( then rlatendo=rlatendo-dyout njo=njo-1 endif endif if(diag_out) then write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' write(iunit_diag,*) 'iout_grid_type=1' write(iunit_diag,*) $ 'i= ',rlonbegi,rlonendi,rlatbegi,rlatendi write(iunit_diag,*) $ 'o= ',rlonbego,rlonendo,rlatbego,rlatendo write(iunit_diag,*) 'nio,njo = ',nio,njo endif C C type 2 - gaussian in latitude C else if(iout_grid_type.eq.2) then rlonbego=ifix(rlonbegi/dxout)*dxout rlonendo=ifix(rlonendi/dxout)*dxout if(cyclicxi) rlonendo=rlonbego+(360.0-dxout) nio=nint((rlonendo-rlonbego))/dxout+1 C C limits of the input grid (handles gaussian --> gaussian) C xbegi=yin(1) xendi=yin(njip1) jj=0 do j=1,njog if(dumx(j).ge.xbegi.and.dumx(j).le.xendi) then jj=jj+1 yout(jj)=dumx(j) endif end do njo=jj rlatbego=yout(1) rlatendo=yout(njo) if(diag_out) then write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' write(iunit_diag,*) 'iout_grid_type=2' write(iunit_diag,*) 'dxout = ',dxout write(iunit_diag,*) $ 'i= ',rlonbegi,rlonendi,rlatbegi,rlatendi write(iunit_diag,*) $ 'o= ',rlonbego,rlonendo,rlatbego,rlatendo write(iunit_diag,*) 'nio, njo = ',nio,njo endif else C C invalid grid type; abort C go to 834 endif C C output grid characteristics to GrADS C if( $ regrid_method='box averaging ' if( $ regrid_method='box averaging with VOTING ' if(iregrid_method.eq.2.and..not.bessel) $ regrid_method='bilinear interpolation ' if(iregrid_method.eq.2.and.bessel) $ regrid_method='bessel interpolation ' if(iout_grid_type.eq.1) then write(*,'(a)') ' ' write(*,'(a)') $ 'the output grid is UNIFORM lat/lon:' write(*,'(a,f5.2,a,f5.2,a)') $ 'dx = ',dxout,' deg and dy = ',dyout,' deg' write(*,'(a,i5,a,i5)') $ '# points in i(lon) = ',nio, $ ' # points j(lat) = ',njo write(*,'(a,f7.2,a,f7.2,a,f6.2,a,f6.2)') $ 'lon extent = ',rlonbego,' to ',rlonendo, $ ' lat extend = ',rlatbego,' to ',rlatendo endif if(iout_grid_type.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)') ' ' write(*,'(a,i3,a)') $ 'the output grid is ~ T',nwaves,' GAUSSIAN:' write(*,'(a,f7.2,a,f5.2,a)') $ 'dx = ',dxout,' deg and dy ~ ',dyoutg,' deg' write(*,'(a,i3,a,i3)') $ '# points in i(lon) = ',nio,' # points j(lat) = ',njo write(*,'(a,f7.2,a,f7.2,a,f6.2,a,f6.2)') $ 'lon extent = ',rlonbego,' to ',rlonendo, $ ' lat extend = ',rlatbego,' to ',rlatendo endif write(*,'(a,a)') $ 'regrid method is: ',regrid_method if(vote) then write(*,'(a,f4.2,a,f4.2)') $ 'vote parameters: max fract area = ',rmin_vote_max, $ ' min frac area = ',rmin_vote_min endif write(*,'(a)') ' ' C C boundaries of the output boxes C niop1=nio+1 njop1=njo+1 C C X C do i=1,niop1 xout(i)=rlonbego+(i-1)*dxout-0.5*dxout end do C C y C C make sure the output grid does not extend beyond the poles C if(iout_grid_type.eq.1) then do j=1,njop1 yout(j)=rlatbego+(j-1)*dyout-0.5*dyout if(yout(j).lt.-90.0) yout(j)=-90.0 if(yout(j).gt.90.0) yout(j)=90.0 end do C C check for pole points C if(rlatendo.eq.90.0) npole_point=.true. if(rlatbego.eq.-90.0) spole_point=.true. else if(iout_grid_type.eq.2) then dumx(1)=yout(1)-0.5*(yout(2)-yout(1)) dumx(njop1)=yout(njo)+0.5*(yout(njo)-yout(njo-1)) do j=2,njo dumx(j)=0.5*(yout(j-1)+yout(j)) end do do j=1,njop1 yout(j)=dumx(j) end do endif C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C input-output grid box relationship C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C make sure longitudes of the input/output grids C are in positive deg C if(xin(1).lt.0.0) then do i=1,niip1 xin(i)=xin(i)+360.0 enddo endif if(xout(1).lt.0.0) then do i=1,niop1 xout(i)=xout(i)+360.0 enddo endif C C calculate the location of the output grid box boundaries C w.r.t. the input grid box boundaries C call in_out_boundaries(xin,yin,nii,nji, $ xout,yout,nio,njo,cyclicxi, $ niip1,njip1,niop1,njop1, $ iunit_diag, $ gxout,gyout) write(iunit_diag,*) 'output grid x boundaries' do i=1,niop1 write(iunit_diag,*) ' i = ',i,' xout = ',xout(i), $ ' gxout = ',gxout(i) end do write(iunit_diag,*) 'output grid y boundaries' do j=1,njop1 write(iunit_diag,*) ' j = ',j,' yout = ',yout(j), $ ' gyout = ',gyout(j) end do C C calculate sfc area of each grid box of input grid C call sfc_area(fld_in,xin,yin,undef,nii,nji, $ area_in,iunit_diag) cc qtitle='grid box area on unit s' cc call qprntn(area_in,qtitle,1,1,nii,nji,4,iunit_diag) C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C do the regrid C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C box averaging or "clumping" with a "voting" option C where the output grid equals the value of the C input grid which accounts for the most area. voting C is used for discontinuos data such as soil type C if(iregrid_method.eq.1) then call box_ave(fld_in,area_in,undef,gxout,gyout, $ nii,nji,nio,njo,fld_out,iunit_diag,vote,istat, $ rmin_vote_max,rmin_vote_min) C C FNOC bilinear/bessel interpolation C else if(iregrid_method.eq.2) then call bssl_interp(fld_in,undef,gxout,gyout, $ nii,nji,nio,njo,fld_out,iunit_diag, $ cyclicxi,spole_point,npole_point,bessel,istat) endif C C check for pole points C write(iunit_diag,'(6e13.5)') (fld_out(i,1),i=1,nio) if(spole_point.or.npole_point) then call fix_poles(fld_out,nio,njo,undef, $ spole_point,npole_point) endif write(iunit_diag,'(6e13.5)') (fld_out(i,1),i=1,nio) qtitle='fld_out ' call qprntu(fld_out,qtitle,undef,1,1,nio,njo,4,iunit_diag) C C------------------------------------------------------------ C C write out return info for GrADS C C------------------------------------------------------------ C ovals(1) = 0.0 write(iunit_out) ovals C C modify the appropriate input grid parameters for C defining the output grid for GrADS C vals(4)=float(nio) vals(5)=float(njo) vals(6)=float(ilinearo) vals(7)=float(jlinearo) vals(8)=rlonbego vals(9)=dxout if(iout_grid_type.eq.1) then vals(10)=rlatbego vals(11)=dyout else if(iout_grid_type.eq.2) then vals(10)=0.0 vals(11)=0.0 endif C write(iunit_out) vals call write_grid(iunit_out,fld_out,nio,njo) C C define the lat/lon of the output grid points C do i=1,nio xout(i)=rlonbego+(i-1)*dxout end do write(iunit_out) (xout(i),i=1,nio) if(iout_grid_type.eq.1) then do j=1,njo dumx(j)=(yout(j)+yout(j+1))*0.5 yout(j)=rlatbego+(j-1)*dyout end do else if(iout_grid_type.eq.2) then do j=1,njo dumx(j)=(yout(j)+yout(j+1))*0.5 end do do j=1,njo yout(j)=dumx(j) end do endif write(iunit_out) (yout(j),j=1,njo) c go to 999 C C error conditions C 810 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 810' write(*,*) 'unable to open the GrADS input file to regrid' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 820 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 820' write(*,*) 'the first arguement to regrid is not a grid' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 830 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 830' write(*,*) 'the grid must be 2-d and x-y (lon-lat)' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 832 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 832' write(*,*) 'arguments must be numbers' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 834 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 834' write(*,*) 'invalid output grid iout_grid_type = ', $ iout_grid_type write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 836 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 836' write(*,*) 'invalid interpolation option', $ ' iregrid_type = ',iregrid_type write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 838 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 838' write(*,*) '4 or more arguments, not a special case' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 840 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 840' write(*,*) 'rmin_vote outside the interval [1,0]' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 842 continue write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'regrid ERROR 842' write(*,*) 'dlon/dlat greater than zero when attempting' write(*,*) 'to set beginning lat/lon of the output grid' write(*,*) ' ' go to 999 999 continue stop end