DSET ../RAW/0.25deg-3HLY/%y4/%y4%m2/CMORPH_V1.0_RAW_0.25deg-3HLY_%y4%m2%d2 OPTIONS template little_endian UNDEF -999.0 TITLE Precipitation estimates XDEF 1440 LINEAR 0.125 0.25 YDEF 480 LINEAR -59.875 0.25 ZDEF 01 LEVELS 1 TDEF 999999 LINEAR 00z01jan1998 3hr VARS 1 cmorph 1 99 RAW CMORPH integrated satellite precipitation estimates [mm/3hr] ENDVARS *** precipitation for the first time step every day (00Z) is the *** accumulation for 00:00Z-02:59Z