--------------------------------------------------------------------- Once file of interest is retrieved (eg shape200402.tar.gz ), do the following: IN A UNIX ENVIROMNENT: 1) gunzip shape200402.tar.gz 2) tar xf shape200402 You will now have a bunch of files with the following naming conventions: PPPPNN.shp PPPPNN.dbf PPPPNN.shx Where PPPP = 4 character forecast parameter [ pabv = probability of above normal prcp pblw = probability of below normal prcp tabv = probability of above normal temp tblw = probability of below normal temp ] NN = lead number [ 01 = lead 01 (forecast for Mar-Apr-May issued in Feb) 02 = lead 02 (forecast for Apr-May-Jun issued in Feb) . . . 13 = lead 13 (fcst for Mar-Apr-May 2005 issuen in Feb) NOTE: lead 14 is actually the monthly forecast...for example the fcst for March issued in Feb...this is counterintuitive)]