1. filename 10day_precip.bin.YYYYMMP YYYY == 4 digit year MM == month P == dekad period 2. description of the data 1) content: rain == 10 day precipitation analysis by merging GTS gauge observations and 3 kinds of satellite estimates (GPI,SSM/I, and AMSU) 2) coverage: -40.00S -- 40.00N Northward; 20.00W -- 55.00E Eastward 751 grid points in east - west direction 801 grid points in south - north direction 3) resolution: 0.1 deg lat x 0.1 deg lon dekad 4) missing values -999.0 3. example program c program : example.f c objective : to read the dekadal estimates c dimension rain(751,801) c c 1. to open the data file c open (unit=10,file='10day_precip.bin.2000061, # access='direct',status='readonly',recl=751*801) c c 2. to read the data c read (10,rec=1) rain c stop end 4. Notice: 1) Please refer to this product as the CPC/Famine Early Warning System Dekadal Estimates 2) Please contact us for any problems or questions regarding this product which is experimental in nature. Dr. Alima Diawara Tel: (301)683-0610 E-mail: alima.diawara@noaa.gov Made 02/19/2008 Revised 08/13/2019