PROGRAM convert_rfe_bin2asc c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Program: convert_rfe2.f c c Description: This program reads in a daily RFE (rainfall estimate) file c (version 2) in .bin format and creates an ascii integer c file. Each file contains rfe coordinate data ordered by rows. c Rainfall resolution is 0.1 degree with a domain of c 20W-55E, 40S-40N. c c Inputs: 'input_file' = the binary precip file to be converted c c Output: 'output.txt' = the output ascii converted text file c c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc REAL*4 rfe(751,801),arr(3,601551) real*4 lat,lon INTEGER:: i,j,ind character*30:: input_file c ##### CHANGE FILE NAME BELOW TO INPUT FILE ##### input_file="all_products.bin.20100621" c ################################################## c ##### Initialize the arrays ##### do i = 1,751 do j = 1,801 rfe (i,j) = -999 end do end do c ##### Read in the input rainfall data ##### open (unit=22,file=input_file,access="direct", 1 convert='big_endian',status="old",recl=751*801*4) read (22, rec=1) rfe c ##### Open the output file ##### open (88,file="output.txt",access='sequential', 1 status='unknown',form='formatted') c ##### The next code converts the input rainfall data. Each row is then written c to the output file. ind=1 lat= -40.0 lon= -20.0 do j=1,801 do i=1,751 arr(1,ind)=lat arr(2,ind)=lon arr(3,ind)=rfe(i,j) write (88,499) arr(1,ind), arr(2,ind), arr(3,ind) 499 format(1X,f6.2,1X,f6.2,1X,f8.2) ind=ind+1 lon=lon+0.1 end do lat=lat+0.1 lon=-20.0 end do END PROGRAM