This is the readme file for the Africa Rainfall Climatology version2 (ARC2) available on the Climate Prediction Center's ftp server. Modified: March, 2020 ************* OVERVIEW: This data is a result of a project to create a satellite-estimated precipitation climatology over the Africa domain. This climatology has been created to compliment the daily operational rainfall estimate product (RFE) in order to generate anomaly fields over Africa over various timescales. In contrast to the operational daily rainfall estimate (RFE), where inputs include SSMI, AMSUB, half-hourly GPI, and GTS data, the climatology method (ARC) uses only 3-hourly GPI and GTS data, exclusively. This is due to the absence of microwave-derved estimates over a long-term historical record, and the large amount of data which makes up the operational half-hourly GPI input. As such, the ARC algorithm itself has been slightly modified in order to maintain a homogeneous and stable climate data record. GTS rain gauge data used in both static and daily-updating climatology products is of the same source, though inputs used to create GPI estimates differ slightly in source. For creation of the climatological GPI, 3-hourly Meteosat data was obtained directly from Eumetsat's archived data group, while daily-updating products use 3-hourly data pulled from NOAA's Meteosat data feed. Data resolution and specifications of the ARC dataset are identical to that of the RFE. Files consist of binary-formated grids at a 0.1 degree resolution. The Spatial extent of all estimates spans 20.0W-55.0E and 40.0S-40.0N. Temporally, 24-hour rainfall estimates are defined from 06Z to 06Z over Africa. The dates contained in the daily file names correspond to the starting 06Z time for that date, and ending on 06Z the following day (i.e. 24-hr rainfall estimates in the file "daily_clim.bin.20200101.bin" are total daily rainfall from 06Z Jan 1, 2020 to 06Z Jan 2, 2020). Daily data is updated in near real-time. ************* FILE FORMAT FOR DATA ACCESS: Daily data files are written in compressed binary data format (big endian) and consist of one record (one array) of floating point rainfall estimates in mm. For decompression, please use the gzip (gunzip) utility. Each daily array equals 751*801 elements, corresponding to 751 pixels in the x direction, and 801 pixels in the y direction. After reshaping to a 0.1 degree grid, this will yield a spatial domain of -40S to 40N in latitude, and -20W to 55E in longitude encompassing the Africa continent. The first elements in the lat/lon arrays, -20 lat / -40 lon, correspond to the center coordinate of the grid point, with a surrounding grid box distance being equal to half the spatial resolution (0.1/2) for all four directions. (i.e. northern boundary = -19.95, southern boundary = -20.05, western boundary = -40.05, eastern boundary = -39.95 ) Missing data is denoted as -999.0. A .txt file list of missing days (through the end of 2011) may be found in this ftp directory. ************* NOTE TO USERS: The ARC2 dataset is a quite extensize. However, it is currently availiable in 3 file formats: binary, geotiff, and shapefile. A sample fortran program is also provided in the ARC2 ftp directories to convert binary data to ascii (.txt) format. The format of the ascii output will be a three column text file listing all 0.1 gridpoint coordinates (lat,lon) and the respective rainfall esimate in (mm).