'Afghan_RFE_README.txt' This is the readme file for archived central Asia covering the Afghanistan area NOAA/Climate Prediction Center RFE2.0 daily rainfall estimates. This file describes all archived rainfall estimates for the region, though the data located on the NOAA/CPC anonymous ftp server: ftp://ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/cpc/fews/afghan CONTENTS: Afghanistan area daily rainfall estimates --data for Feb, 2002 - present: 'cpc_rfe_v2.0_ag_dly.bin.YYYYMMDD.gz' where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day. --Spatial domain: 20.0-95.0E; 10.0-60.0N --Temporal domain: 00Z-00Z (24-hr rainfall accumulation estimate in mm) --Resolution: 0.1 x 0.1 degree --File structure: binary, 4-byte floating point, big_endian for daily files contained in ftp://ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/cpc/fews/Afghan undefined = -999.0 file contains one record with (751 pixels in x direction) * (501 pixels in y direction) = 376251 points uncompressed file size = 376251 points * 4 bytes per point = 1505004 bytes --File array ordering for grid shaping. pixel #1 = (10.0N; 20.0E) pixel #2 = (5.0N; 20.1E) pixel #376251 = (60.0N;95.0E) --For sub-domains, user must extract data points covering thier domain of interest These products were created by the NOAA/Climate Prediction Center's FEWS-NET group sponsored by USAID. For details regarding the algorithm, see http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/fews. For usage or other information, contact Wassila.Thiaw.gov or Pingping.Xie@noaa.gov. Modified Oct, 2011