This folder contains the forecats for seasonal precipitation. The control files describe the metadata. For example (August Initial Condition), AugIC_nmme_seasonal_precp_anom.ctl has the following metadata. ------------------------------------------- dset ^JunIC_nmme_seasonal_precp_anom.dat undef -999.0 title prate.bin options little_endian xdef 360 linear 0.000000 1.0 ydef 181 linear -90.0 1.0 tdef 6 linear 15sep1982 1mo zdef 1 linear 1 1 vars 2 precip 0,1,0 0,1,7,0 ** precip anom mm/day anom 0,1,0 0,1,7,0 ** precip anom mm/day ENDVARS ------------------------------------------- Longitude dimension has 360 points, spaced 1deg from 0 meridian progressing eastward. Latitude Dimension has 181 points, spaced 1deg from 90S to 90N. Time dimension has the 6 seasonal forecasts. For August Initial Condition the six forecasts are for the seasona of SON (September-October-November) OND NDJ DJF JFM FMA The name of the variable is "anom". The units are mm/day. ------------------------------------------- A sample grads script ( is provided