wgrib2.tgz vs wgrib2_nolib.tgz wgrib2.tgz: built-in libraries The easy way to compile wgrib2 is to download the wgrib2.tgz.(VERSION) file. The tarball contains all libraries you need in order to compile wgrib2 (except for the optional netcdf4 and mysql). The makefile will compile all the libraries to create the wgrib2 executable. This is the easy way of installing wgrib2. wgrib2_nolib.tgz: system libraries The hard way to compile wgrib2 is to download the wgrib2_nolib.tgz.(VERSION). This file does not contain the libraries except for customized g2clib and iplib libraries. You have to make sure the needed libraries included with wgrib2.tgz are installed and then you have to change the makefile so that the libraries are linked in. You are on your own with this tarball. built-in libraries use system libraries size big executable small executable library fixes hard easy (need to recompile wgrib2) note: usual method for system software libraries use as is must install missing libraries makefile use as is must be customized makefile support yes no compile easy not so easy Note: I use/test wgrib2 with the built-in libraries. I only test compatability with libraries included with the wgrib2.tgz tarball. Note: g2clib has bug fixes which are not in the official release. The included bug fixes make it into the official release at a much later date. Please do no link in the official g2clib. You can blame me for bug that I made but I don't want to be blamed for someone else's bugs.