Intel oneAPI compilers Support for the new Intel LLVM-based compilers starts with wgrib2 v3.1.2. Prior versions may compile but will have problems with the simple unpacking. Wgrib2 v3.1.2 changed the code for simple unpacking so that it works with all compilers including oneAPI. Wgrib2 v3.1.3 fixes openmp compile. To compile wgrib2 using bash and linux export CC=icx export FC=ifx export COMP_SYS=oneapi_linux optional on linux make clean make optional, generate wgrib2 executable make lib optional, generate wgrib2 library The oneAPI compilers have not been tested with Windows. Currently support or windows is limited to the cygwin gcc/gfortran compilers. The "COMP_SYS=oneapi_linux" may not work in windows because the compiler options may differ between windows and linux.