README.1ST The program 'wgrib' is placed into the public domain. While you could legally do anything you want with the code, telling the world that you wrote it would be uncool. Selling it would be really uncool. The code was written for NMC/NCAR Reanalysis and may not work GRIB files from other sources. The code, as usual, has no warranty. Use at your own risk. Wesley Ebisuzaki November 25, 1995 wgrib distribution: wgrib.c source code for wgrib wgrib.c.beta source code for wgrib beta version (note: beta versions are very stable, I tend to go to a major version when there are major changes.) wgrib.tar development version of the source code Changes changes to wgrib Documentation readme.1st this file readme intro readme.dos using dos version grib2ieee.txt how to convert from grib to ieee (intro) tricks.wgrib some tricks for wgrib (very useful) porting.txt compiling wgrib on various machines formats.txt output formats formats_update.txt update to output formats misc.txt abrv. used double_prec.txt how to make a double-precision wgrib Testing files land.grb test.c testbin.c testbin.cray.f testbin.f GRIB TABLES ectab_128 ectab_129 ectab_130 ectab_131 ectab_140 ectab_150 ectab_151 ectab_160 ectab_170 ectab_180 gribtab nceptab_140 opn_nceptab reanal_nceptab usertables.txt