0:var0:undefined 1:PRES:Pressure [Pa] 2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa] 3:PTEND:Pressure tendency [Pa/s] 4:PVORT:Pot. vorticity [km^2/kg/s] 5:ICAHT:ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height [M] 6:GP:Geopotential [m^2/s^2] 7:HGT:Geopotential height [gpm] 8:DIST:Geometric height [m] 9:HSTDV:Std dev of height [m] 10:TOZNE:Total ozone [Dobson] 11:TMP:Temp. [K] 12:VTMP:Virtual temp. [K] 13:POT:Potential temp. [K] 14:EPOT:Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp. [K] 15:TMAX:Max. temp. [K] 16:TMIN:Min. temp. [K] 17:DPT:Dew point temp. [K] 18:DEPR:Dew point depression [K] 19:LAPR:Lapse rate [K/m] 20:VIS:Visibility [m] 21:RDSP1:Radar spectra (1) [non-dim] 22:RDSP2:Radar spectra (2) [non-dim] 23:RDSP3:Radar spectra (3) [non-dim] 24:PLI:Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) [K] 25:TMPA:Temp. anomaly [K] 26:PRESA:Pressure anomaly [Pa] 27:GPA:Geopotential height anomaly [gpm] 28:WVSP1:Wave spectra (1) [non-dim] 29:WVSP2:Wave spectra (2) [non-dim] 30:WVSP3:Wave spectra (3) [non-dim] 31:WDIR:Wind direction [deg] 32:WIND:Wind speed [m/s] 33:UGRD:u wind [m/s] 34:VGRD:v wind [m/s] 35:STRM:Stream function [m^2/s] 36:VPOT:Velocity potential [m^2/s] 37:MNTSF:Montgomery stream function [m^2/s^2] 38:SGCVV:Sigma coord. vertical velocity [/s] 39:VVEL:Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] 40:DZDT:Geometric vertical velocity [m/s] 41:ABSV:Absolute vorticity [/s] 42:ABSD:Absolute divergence [/s] 43:RELV:Relative vorticity [/s] 44:RELD:Relative divergence [/s] 45:VUCSH:Vertical u shear [/s] 46:VVCSH:Vertical v shear [/s] 47:DIRC:Direction of current [deg] 48:SPC:Speed of current [m/s] 49:UOGRD:u of current [m/s] 50:VOGRD:v of current [m/s] 51:SPFH:Specific humidity [kg/kg] 52:RH:Relative humidity [%] 53:MIXR:Humidity mixing ratio [kg/kg] 54:PWAT:Precipitable water [kg/m^2] 55:VAPP:Vapor pressure [Pa] 56:SATD:Saturation deficit [Pa] 57:EVP:Evaporation [kg/m^2] 58:CICE:Cloud Ice [kg/m^2] 59:PRATE:Precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s] 60:TSTM:Thunderstorm probability [%] 61:APCP:Total precipitation [kg/m^2] 62:NCPCP:Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2] 63:ACPCP:Convective precipitation [kg/m^2] 64:SRWEQ:Snowfall rate water equiv. [kg/m^2/s] 65:WEASD:Accum. snow [kg/m^2] 66:SNOD:Snow depth [m] 67:MIXHT:Mixed layer depth [m] 68:TTHDP:Transient thermocline depth [m] 69:MTHD:Main thermocline depth [m] 70:MTHA:Main thermocline anomaly [m] 71:TCDC:Total cloud cover [%] 72:CDCON:Convective cloud cover [%] 73:LCDC:Low level cloud cover [%] 74:MCDC:Mid level cloud cover [%] 75:HCDC:High level cloud cover [%] 76:CWAT:Cloud water [kg/m^2] 77:BLI:Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) [K] 78:SNOC:Convective snow [kg/m^2] 79:SNOL:Large scale snow [kg/m^2] 80:WTMP:Water temp. [K] 81:LAND:Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction] 82:DSLM:Deviation of sea level from mean [m] 83:SFCR:Surface roughness [m] 84:ALBDO:Albedo [%] 85:TSOIL:Soil temp. [K] 86:SOILM:Soil moisture content [kg/m^2] 87:VEG:Vegetation [%] 88:SALTY:Salinity [kg/kg] 89:DEN:Density [kg/m^3] 90:WATR:Water runoff [kg/m^2] 91:ICEC:Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction] 92:ICETK:Ice thickness [m] 93:DICED:Direction of ice drift [deg] 94:SICED:Speed of ice drift [m/s] 95:UICE:u of ice drift [m/s] 96:VICE:v of ice drift [m/s] 97:ICEG:Ice growth rate [m/s] 98:ICED:Ice divergence [/s] 99:SNOM:Snow melt [kg/m^2] 100:HTSGW:Sig height of wind waves and swell [m] 101:WVDIR:Direction of wind waves [deg] 102:WVHGT:Sig height of wind waves [m] 103:WVPER:Mean period of wind waves [s] 104:SWDIR:Direction of swell waves [deg] 105:SWELL:Sig height of swell waves [m] 106:SWPER:Mean period of swell waves [s] 107:DIRPW:Primary wave direction [deg] 108:PERPW:Primary wave mean period [s] 109:DIRSW:Secondary wave direction [deg] 110:PERSW:Secondary wave mean period [s] 111:NSWRS:Net short wave (surface) [W/m^2] 112:NLWRS:Net long wave (surface) [W/m^2] 113:NSWRT:Net short wave (top) [W/m^2] 114:NLWRT:Net long wave (top) [W/m^2] 115:LWAVR:Long wave [W/m^2] 116:SWAVR:Short wave [W/m^2] 117:GRAD:Global radiation [W/m^2] 118:BRTMP:Brightness temperature [K] 119:LWRAD:Radiance with respect to wave no. [W/m/sr] 120:SWRAD:Radiance with respect ot wave len. [W/m^3/sr] 121:LHTFL:Latent heat flux [W/m^2] 122:SHTFL:Sensible heat flux [W/m^2] 123:BLYDP:Boundary layer dissipation [W/m^2] 124:UFLX:Zonal momentum flux [N/m^2] 125:VFLX:Meridional momentum flux [N/m^2] 126:WMIXE:Wind mixing energy [J] 127:IMGD:Image data [] 128:PAOT:Probability anomaly of temp [%] 129:PAOP:Probability anomaly of precip [%] 130:var130:undefined 131:FRAIN:Rain fraction of total liquid water [] 132:FICE:Ice fraction of total condensate [] 133:FRIME:Rime factor [] 134:CUEFI:Convective cloud efficiency [] 135:TCOND:Total condensate [kg/kg] 136:TCOLW:Total column cloud water [kg/m/m] 137:TCOLI:Total column cloud ice [kg/m/m] 138:TCOLR:Total column rain [kg/m/m] 139:TCOLS:Total column snow [kg/m/m] 140:TCOLC:Total column condensate [kg/m/m] 141:PLPL:Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted [Pa] 142:HLPL:Height of level from which parcel was lifted [m] 143:CEMS:Cloud Emissivity [fraction] 144:COPD:Cloud Optical Depth [non-dim] 145:PSIZ:Effective Particle size [microns] 146:TCWAT:Total Water Cloud [%] 147:TCICE:Total Ice Cloud [%] 148:WDIF:Wind Difference [m/s] 149:WSTP:Wave Steepness [non-dim] 150:PTAN:Probability of Temp. above normal [%] 151:PTNN:Probability of Temp. near normal [%] 152:PTBN:Probability of Temp. below normal [%] 153:PPAN:Probability of Precip. above normal [%] 154:PPNN:Probability of Precip. near normal [%] 155:PPBN:Probability of Precip. below normal [%] 156:PMTC:Particulate matter (coarse) [ug/m^3] 157:PMTF:Particulate matter (fine) [ug/m^3] 158:AETMP:Analysis Error of Temperature [K] 159:AEDPT:Analysis Error of Dew Point [K] 160:AESPH:Analysis Error of Specific Humidity [kg/kg] wne 161:AEUWD:Analysis Error of U-wind [m/s] 162:AEVWD:Analysis Error of V-wind [m/s] 163:LPMTF:Particulate matter (fine) [log10(ug/m^3)] 164:LIPMF:Integrated Column Particulate matter (fine) [log10(ug/m^2)] wne 165:REFZR:Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from rain [mm^6/m^3] 166:REFZI:Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from ice [mm^6/m^3] 167:REFZC:Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from parameterized convection [mm^6/m^3] 168:TCLSW:Integrated supercooled liquid water [kg/m^2] 169:TCOLM:Total Column Integrated Melting Ice [kg/m^2] 170:ELRDI:Ellrod Index [non-dim] 171:TSEC:Seconds prior to initial reference time [sec] 172:TSECA:Seconds after initial reference time [sec] 173:NUM:Number of samples/observations [non-dim] 174:AEPRS:Analysis Error of Pressure [Pa] 175:ICSEV:Icing Severity [non-dim] 176:ICPRB:Icing Probability [non-dim] 177:LAVNI:Low-level Aviation Interest [non-dim] 178:HAVNI:High-level Aviation Interest [non-dim] 179:FLGHT:Flight Category [non-dim] 180:OZCON:Ozone concentration [ppb] 181:OZCAT:Categorical ozone concentration [?] 182:VEDH:vertical heat eddy diffusivity [m^2/s] 183:SIGV:Sigma level value [non-dim] 184:EWGT:Ensemble Weight [non-dim] 185:CICEL:Confidence indicator - Ceiling [non-dim] 186:CIVIS:Confidence indicator - Visibility [non-dim] 186:CIFLT:Confidence indicator - Flight Category [non-dim] 188:LAVV:Latitude of V wind component of velocity [deg] 189:LOVV:Longitude of V wind component of velocity [deg] 190:USCT:Scatterometer est. U wind component [m/s] 191:VSCT:Scatterometer est. V wind component [m/s] 192:LAUV:Latitude of U wind component of velocity [deg] 193:LOUV:Longitude of U wind component of velocity [deg] 194:TCHP:Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential [J/m^2] 195:DBSS:Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface [m] 196:ODHA:Ocean Dynamic Heat Anomaly [dynamic m] 197:OHC:Ocean Heat Content [J/m^2] 198:SSHG:Sea Surface Height Relative to Geoid [m] 199:SLTFL:Salt flux [g/cm^2/s] 200:DUVB:UV-B Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2] 201:CDUVB:Clear Sky UV-B Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2] 202:THFLX:Total downward heat flux at surface [W/m^2] 203:UVAR:U velocity variance [m^2/s^2] 204:VVAR:V velocity variance [m^2/s^2] 205:UVVCC:UV Velocity Cross Correlation [m^2/s^2] 206:MCLS:Meteorological Correlation Length Scale [m] 207:LAPP:Latitude of pressure point [deg] 208:LOPP:Longitude of pressure point [deg] 209:var209:undefined 210:REFO:Observed radar reflectivity [dbZ] 211:REFD:Derived radar reflectivity [dbZ] 212:REFC:Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity [dbZ] 213:SBT122:Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 2 [K] 214:SBT123:Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 3 [K] 215:SBT124:Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 4 [K] 216:SBT125:Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 5 [K] 217:MINRH:Minimum Relative Humumidity [%] 218:MAXRH:Maximum Relative Humumidity [%] 219:CEIL:Ceiling [m] 220:PBLREG:Planetary boundary layer regime [] 221:SBC123:Simulated brightness counts for GOES12, Channel 3 [byte] 222:SBC124:Simulated brightness counts for GOES12, Channel 4 [byte] 223:var223:undefined 224:var224:undefined 225:var225:undefined 226:var226:undefined 227:var227:undefined 228:var228:undefined 229:var229:undefined 230:var230:undefined 231:var231:undefined 232:var232:undefined 233:var233:undefined 234:var234:undefined 235:var235:undefined 236:var236:undefined 237:var237:undefined 238:var238:undefined 239:var239:undefined 240:var240:undefined 241:var241:undefined 242:var242:undefined 243:var243:undefined 244:var244:undefined 245:var245:undefined 246:var246:undefined 247:var247:undefined 248:var248:undefined 249:var249:undefined 250:var250:undefined 251:var251:undefined 252:var252:undefined 253:var253:undefined 254:var254:undefined 255:var255:undefined