obs_density: Observation count by month from cray5:/reanl2/bufr/DENC/DENCgrb.yymm Note uses GRIB table 140 (see gribtab) Downloaded 5/18/98 See Bob Kistler for more details grib file modified 5/21/98 WNE Downloaded 5/18/2001 updates to 03-2001 that were calculated by Bob Kister. Note: new files already have N-S order ctl and idx files updated 5/18/2001 Files: gribtab: wgrib compatible user-defined gribtable obs_density.ctl GrADS control file obs_density.idx GrADS index file obs_densityYYYY.grb grib data file Comments: The data files contain the "platform*time" counts. For example, each raob sounding will only only be counted once even though it produces U, V, RH, T at many levels. A station that launched 30 sondes in a month would add 30 to the count. The GRIB files use a new NCEP grib table (number 140). The variables are different from the operational and reanalysis tables. For wgrib to use the new table, see ftp://wesley.wwb.noaa.gov/pub/wgrib/usertables.txt. Revision 7/2019 These files were originally distributed by the development Nomads servers, which also provided plots. The files were saved on two independent RAID systems. Unfortunately human error error corrupted both RAIDs at the same time. Fortunately most of the files were recovered. (If you find errors in these files, let me know.) The R1 observation count files use local NCEP grib table 140. Unfortunately local table 140 is now used by the operational models. How did this happen? Retirement. To use the now unofficial NCEP local table 140, you have to recompile wgrib to use the user-defined parameter table before the official parameter tables. gcc -o wgrib -D P_TABLE_FIRST wgrib.c Then you have to enable the user-defined grib table sh: export GRIBTAB=(path)/gribtab csh setenv GRIBTAB (path)/gribtab