Cloud Levels: High Middle and Low ----- ------ ---- ------ --- --- Historically the MRF model saved cloud data for high, middle and low clouds. One could then assume the clouds had random overlap to get the total cloud fraction (CF). total CF = 1 - (1 - high CF) * (1 - middle CF) * (1 - low CF) "random cloud overlap" The Reanalysis model recognizes two basic types of clouds, convective and RH. The convective clouds are based on the convective parameterizations and the RH clouds occur when the RH exceeds a critical value. While the cloud cover from RH clouds can be modeled as "random overlap", the convective clouds are better modeled as "maximum overlap". (At least that is how the radiation code works.) Unfortunately this change occurred before NCEP moved to grib output. At that time, changing the binary output files was a hanging offense. Imagine changing the binary files and suddenly all the code that read those files suddenly failed. In addition, any new code would be incompatible with the old binary files. Since the total cloud cover is the most commonly used diagnostic, the high/middle/low cloud fractions were redefined so that a random overlap would produce the approximate total cloud cover as seen by the radiation code. The redefinition is low_CF = low_CF_RH if no convective clouds = 0.80 * (low_CF_RH + low_CF_cn - low_CF_RH*low_CF_cn) mid_CF = mid_CF_RH if no convective clouds = 0.35 * (mid_CF_RH + mid_CF_cn - mid_CF_RH*mid_CF_cn) high_CF = high_CF_RH if no convective clouds = 0.35 * (high_CF_RH + high_CF_cn - high_CF_RH*high_CF_cn) CF_RH = cloud fraction from large-scale clouds CF_cn = cloud from from convective clouds As you can see from the redefinition, the CF shows a large discontinuity depending on whether convective clouds are present. In addition, a deep convective cloud would show up as a combination of deep and shallow clouds. This makes the the high/middle/low CF nearly useless EXCEPT for calculating the total cloud fraction. (If you knew whether the layer had convective clouds, you could recover the cloud fractions. However, obtaining this information is very involved.) Summary: do not use the high/middle/low cloud fractions except for calculating the total cloud fraction. (Since the total cloud fraction is a standard output, it is best not to use the high/middle/low cloud fractions.) The clouds as seen by the radiation codes are not available which is an oversight on our part.