From wgrib:formats.txt Organization of the Grid Standard NMC practice is to store the grids in fortran order starting from the north and working southward, and on the 0E and working eastward. No effort has been made in wgrib to implement the scan order option in GRIB. For lat-long grids, the dimensions are 144 x 73. The first point is 90N 0E, the second point is 90N 2.5E, and you can figure out the rest. For Gaussian grids, the dimensions are 192 x 94. The first grid point is at 88.542N 0E, the second grid point is at 88.542N 1.875E. In theory, the Gaussian latitudes (for a Gaussian grid) are determined by the zeros of a long polynomial. In practice, the Gaussian latitudes are almost equally spaced. For plotting purposes, I assume that the Gaussian latitudes have a spacing of (88.542 - -88.542)/(94 - 1) degrees of latitude.