This is a program to compute the significances of correlations using the random-phase method. This method uses a Monte-Carlo approach using random series with the property that they have the same auto-correlation as the sample series. Consequently this approach works well with series that are serially correlated. This program only works with time series that are of a power of 2 as a simple power-of-2 FFT is used. (The random phase method is not limited to a power of two.) v1.0 July 2000 W. Ebisuzaki CPC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA Reference: Ebisuzaki, W, 1997: A method to estimate the statistical significance of a correlation when the data are serially correlated. J. of Climate, 10, 2147-2153. ------------------------------------------------------------- Using the program on a linux machine: $ make (short for cc -O2 r_phase.c ran1.c realft.c fftutil.c four1.c -lm) $ r_phase sig n time-series-1 time-series-2 sig = statistical significance, ex. 0.01, 0.05 n = number of points in time series, must be a power of 2, ex. 16, 128 time-series-1 = text file with time series 1 (n points) time-series-2 = text file with time series 2 (n points) ------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions: sample |corr| = absolute value of the correlation of the two input series fraction of samples with larger |corr| = the fraction of random phase samples that had a larger |corr| than the sample critical |corr| = the estimated |corr| where only a small fraction ("sig") of the random samples would have a larger |corr|. ------------------------------------------------------------- Note: NSAMPLE (in r_phase.c) is the number of random sample generated for the test. The appropriate value of NSAMPLE depends on the signficance level. In general, as "sig" decreases, NSAMPLE should increase. ------------------------------------------------------------- example execution using two random time series bash$ r_phase 0.01 64 x y reading x reading y calculating testing x and y (64 points) for 0.010000 significance sample |corr| 0.078581, fraction of samples with larger |corr| 0.519120 critical |corr| 0.304759 at 0.010000 sig level, 50000 random samples used