11/2004 COPYGB The old "portable copygb" was getting long in the tooth as it was based on 1996 source codes. Adding the upgrades from the operational version was too much work as the new source codes were based on f90 and the portable version was based on f77. Since the old version supported the global reanalysis, I didn't have a need to get the new copygb working on linux machines. Now that the North America Regional Reanalysis is here, time has come to upgrade the portable copygb. It was also my way to test g95. The new "portable" copygb The new portable copygb is based on the operational source codes with the "portable" w3lib. (Originally developed for the first portable copygb.) The compiler used is g95 (www.g95.org). The source codes have been run using other compilers/machine but it's YMMV for anything other than g95 running on a linux box. Is this version really portable? Don't know. If you want to port copygb, the standard warnings apply. You are on your own and any questions or queries for help will be considered spam. new code: copygb-linux-g95.tar old code: see "old" subdirectory