NARR CFSRR What are NARR and CFSRR? What are they not? Others reanalyses, analyses Is real data better? example from an ensemble of analyses Grib-1, Grib-2, Netcdf, HDF NARR: grib CFSRR: grib2, internal=grib1 ECMWF: grib JRA-25: grib MERRA: HDF Grib-1: (old) WMO standard, 1/3 - 1/2 size of IEEE file many tools, scaled packed integers Grib-2: new WMO standard, 1/5 - 1/2 size of Grib-1 files compressed files Netcdf-3: common in university environment, IEEE or scaled packed integers Netcdf-4: uses HDF-5, compressed files Web/Transmission: Grib: individual records can be download very efficiently "cat" records to combine records Netcdf: database .. whole file or hook a database to web server Both: Various programs on web to plot, extract data, etc OpenDAP Metadata: often lost when converting to new formats Tools: grib: many, degrib, wgrib, GrADS, GDAL, copygb, lcgrib, ggrib, cnvgrib grib2: degrib, pygrib, wgrib2, GrADS, GDAL, copygb2, cnvgrib, Conversion: grib -> ? netcdf: NCL, grib2nc (unidata), degrib, wgrib2, GrADS (lats), GDAL GIS: GDAS, GrADS, degrib Nomads: partial http: NARR: example cfsrr: example gfs: example grib filter: cfsrr gfs: GrADS: NARR example cfsrr example DODS example