dset ^CFSv2nino34Mon202109PDFC.gr undef -9999.00 options big_endian title CFSv2 realtime nino34 monthly anomalies PDFC corrected (1982-2010 clim) * /cpc/noscrub/Wanqiu.Wang/save/CFSv2fcst/Realtime/ENSOdiscussion/CFSv2_nino34_PDFC_RT.sh ydef 1 linear 0 1 xdef 1 linear 0 1 * ZDEF: (30*4 members + 4 EnMean) * 1-120: individual forecast members (30 days * 4 runs/day) * 1-4: forecast from 10th of 092021 * 121: ensemble average of z=1-40 * 122: ensemble average of z=41-80 * 123: ensemble average of z=81-120 * 124: ensemble average of z=1-120 zdef 124 linear 1 1 * Month of TDEF first target month tdef 10 linear Aug2021 1mo vars 1 f 124 99 CFSv2 nino34 ENDVARS