Documentation for GPCP Satellite-Derived (IR) GPI Daily Rainfall Products in Pentad format: Each file contains data for 1 pentad ( 5 days ) for 1x1 degree resolution grid. The data are stored in 360 x 80 arrays and each value represents the estimated areal average data for 1x1 degree "box". Missing values are identified as "-9999". The array orientation is: 40N ---------------------------- ----------------- | | | | | | | | (1,1) | (2,1) | (3,1) | . . . |(359,1)| (360,1) | | | | | | | 39N ---------------------------- ----------------- | | | | | | | | (1,2) | (2,2) | (3,2) | . . . |(359,2)| (360,2) | | | | | | | . . . 39S ---------------------------- ----------------- | | | | | | | | (1,80)| (2,80)| (3,80)| . . . |(359,80) (360,80) | | | | | | | 40S ---------------------------- ----------------- | | | | | | | 0 1E 2E 3E 2W 1W 0 The data in the file are: First day of the pentad: daily rainfall estimates ( gpi ) daily satellite indentification daily number of satellite observations; Second day of the pentad: daily rainfall estimates ( gpi ) daily satellite indentification daily number of satellite observations; . . . . Fifth day of the pentad: daily rainfall estimates ( gpi ) ( or sixth for the 12th daily satellite indentification pentad of leap year ) daily number of satellite observations. Units for rainfall estimates are mm/day. The satellite identifiers represent the satellite used to obtain information needed to produce the GPI estimate for a given 1x1 degree box for that day: 1 = GMS 2 = GOES WEST 3 = GOES EAST 4 = METEOSAT ( METEOSAT-7 ) 5 = INSAT ( METEOSAT-5 ) 6 = NOAA 12 ( Daytime Pass ) 7 = NOAA 12 ( Nighttime Pass ) 8 = NOAA 14 ( Daytime Pass ) 9 = NOAA 14 ( Nighttime Pass ) The number of satellite observations is the number of satellite observations within a day used to derive the GPI estimate for a given 1x1 degree box for that day. The name of file is IRPROD_yyyypp where yyyy is the year (i.e. 1998) and pp is the number of the pentad. The data can be read in FORTRAN as follows: real*4 gpi(360,80),satid(360,80),numobs(360,80) open (unit = 17, file = filename, form = 'unformatted', 1 access = 'direct', recl = 360*80*4) iwrec = 0 iyr=iyyyypp/100 if(mod(iyr,4).eq.0.and.ipnt.eq.12)then ipntmx=6 else ipntmx=5 endif do ipday=1,ipntmx iwrec = iwrec + 1 read(17,rec = iwrec) ((gpi(i,j),i=1,360),j=1,80) iwrec = iwrec + 1 read(17,rec = iwrec) ((satid(i,j),i=1,360),j=1,80) iwrec = iwrec + 1 read(17,rec = iwrec) ((numobs(i,j),i=1,360),j=1,80) enddo We will update these data approximately once a month.