This directory contains data and graphics files of the near real-time production (NRT) of the second generation CMORPH (CMORPH2) integrated global satellite precipitation estimates. CMORPH2 global precipitation estimates are constructed through integrating precipitation information from PMW measurements aboard more than 10 LEO satellites and from infrared (IR) observations aboard 5 GEO platforms. Precipitation estimates are constructed on a 0.05-deg lat/lon grid over the entire globe (90S-90N) and in a 30-minute interval. CMORPH2x_NRT is now generated at an NWS operational environment (the CPC Compute Farm, CF) maintained 7/24 by NCEP Central Operation (NCO). A global field of CMORPH2 satellite estimates for a target time is first produced at a latency of ONE HOUR. This initial production is then refreshed once every 30 minutes until 12 hours after the target analysis time with any newly available input level 2 PMW precipitation retrievals. This practice ensures production of CMORPH2 global satellite precipitation estimates at a very short latency with the best possible quality. The CMORPH2 real-time products are exported in both the data and graphics formats. The data files are available at: While the native CMORPH2 are generated at a 0.05-deg lat/lon grid, only the NetCDF data files for CMORPH2 on 0.25-deg lat/lon grid are uploaded to the ftp site as of February 2023, due to the limitation in the ftp site disk space. Two global fields are included in the data files, i.e., the precipitation rate (in mm/hr) and the fraction of solid precipitation. The graphics files are available at: Please note, the time stamp for the data and graphic is for the BEGINING TIME of the target 30-minute period. For example, the NetCDF file named '' is the data file for CMORPH2 over a 30-minute period from 06:30:00 UTC to 06:59:59 UTC of 2 January, 2023. Please contact Pingping Xie ( or Shaorong Wu ( for further questions.