c c c parameter ( nx = 4948, ny = 1649 ) c dimension rain (nx,ny) c c 1. to open the CMORPH data file c open (unit=10, # file='CMORPH_V0.x_RAW_8km-30min_2008073123', # access='direct', recl=nx*ny*4) c c 2. to read the data c c * there are two half-hourly global fields in each file c * each global field is an array of 4948 pixels in east-west direction c * and 1649 lines in south-north direction c * the global domain covers 0E-180-0W; and 60S-60N c * the very first data rain (1,1) repsents the precip at the South-West corner, c c to read the first global field c read (10,rec=1) rain do 2001 jj = 1, ny, 100 write (6,2951) jj, (rain(ii,jj),ii=1,nx,500) 2001 continue 2951 format (i5,10f8.2) c c to read the second global field c read (10,rec=2) rain do 2002 jj = 1, ny, 100 write (6,2951) jj, (rain(ii,jj),ii=1,nx,500) 2002 continue c c stop end