C************************************************************* C Read the OMPS NP v6 (b6) data bufr data file and put it in the C 2000 word binary file similar to that used by SBUV C************************************************************** dimension b(207,2000),data(207) character*8 today C----------------------------------------------- flg=5 read(5,900) today 900 format(a) C C...READ Bufr file...put data in binary b C call readbufr(b, today, jrec, flg) C open(50,file= &'/gpfs/gd2/cpc/noscrub/Craig.Long/omps/output.dat', & status='new') C open(51,file = & '/gpfs/gd2/cpc/noscrub/Craig.Long/omps/data/' &//today//'_pmf_v6.dat', & form='unformatted',status='unknown',recl=828) C do 20 j=1,jrec do 10 i=1,207 data(i)=b(i,j) 10 continue write(50,*) data write(50,901) write(51) data 20 continue 901 format(//) C stop end