#################################################### # # # README for Africa Dry Mask Files # # Created using CPC-Unified climatology files # # # #################################################### Number of files: 36 files - for each dekad of the year File Names: drymask_africa_[mon][dekad number].bin File format: Binary, little endian Coordinates: Longitude: 19.75W to 55.25E (151 points) Latitude: 39.75S to 40.25N (161 points) Resolution: 0.5 degrees Values: -1 for areas to be masked 1 for areas to not be masked ########################################## # Sample matlab script to read in data: # ########################################## names = textread('filelist','%s'); lon=[-19.75:0.5:55.25]; lat=[-39.75:0.5:40.25]; for ii = 1:length(names) fdat_in = char(names(ii,1)); fid = fopen(fdat_in,'r', 'ieee-le'); b=fread(fid,length(lon)*length(lat),'single'); fclose(fid); obs(:,:,ii) = (reshape(b,length(lon),length(lat))'); clear fdat_in fid b end